Venue: Korda Theatre, Shepperton Studios, Studios Road, Shepperton TW17 0QD
Contact: Matthew Williams Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies were received from Colin Barnard. |
To agree the minutes of the previous meeting as a correct record. Minutes: The minutes of the last meeting were agreed as a correct record.
Ken Snaith, Shepperton RA, stated that the lighting that had been raised at the previous meeting was still causing issues and that he had photos which could show the problem lights. It was requested that the photos be sent to the team so that they could address the issue. Matthew Wright advised that if residents had concerns to please contact the Studio so that it could be addressed.
Derek Ferguson, Charlton Village RA, queried what progress had been made on the ‘no right-hand turn’ sign at Junction 7 and was advised that it had been picked up in the road safety audit and once that had been completed would be addressed with Surrey County Council.
Ken Snaith asked for an update on residents’ concerns about the roundabout outside the main entrance to the Studio and were advised that the Surrey County Council safety team had agreed it was safe. |
Overview of Construction Progress and Programme To receive an overview of construction progress and programme. Minutes: Matthew Wright, Head of Planning and Technical Development, Pinewood Studios gave a presentation that covered the agenda items for the meeting.
Shepperton North-West has been completed and open since October 2023. Shepperton South would be operational from mid-February 2024 with the final two buildings to be completed by mid-March 2024. With regards to landscaping, final seeding and additional planting would take place up until autumn 2024.
The temporary cabins at the front of the Studio would be removed mid- to late-February 2024, with the final cabins removed by late March 2024.
Councillor Attewell queried whether the verges on Laleham Road would be reseeded and was advised that this could be done as part of the work on the mini roundabout and would be discussed with Surrey County Council.
Matthew Wright advised that the curb by the roundabout at the front entrance to the studio would be realigned. |
Landscape Update To receive an update on landscaping, bunds, and planting. Minutes: There was no update |
River Ash Update To receive a progress update on the works surrounding the River Ash. Minutes: There was no update |
Community Matters To receive an update around community matters. Minutes: Dan Burton provided an update on Community Matters.
The latest round of grants from the Community Fund had been awarded to another five groups, with a formal announcement to follow soon. Once that has been done the next round of grants would be opened.
A screening of Paddington in the Korda Theatre had been put on for a group of Scouts.
The Studio had donated special Pinewood themed prizes for charity groups, schools and clubs throughout Spelthorne.
The Studio had funded the purchase and installation of new lights for Shepperton Big Tree Night.
A defibrillation unit had been donated to Charlton Village and was now located outside the village hall. The Studio would be providing free Automated External Defibrillator (AED) support and training in the spring for residents.
£375,000 had been allocated to fund five scholarships to the National Film and Television School (NFTS). This fund would only be available to Spelthorne residents.
The Futures Festival was an annual event hosted by Pinewood Studios with industry experts in attendance to inspire and educate students about various opportunities across the sector. In 2023 it had been attended by over 4000 young people. It was hoped that the 2024 event would be held at Shepperton Studios.
A Nativity play was held at the Studios following an approach by the Vicar at St Mary Magdalene Church.
£100,000 had been given to Spelthorne Council for the Business Hub, providing £20,000 per year for 5 years.
Schools that need equipment can apply for up to £50,000 from the Community Foundation for Surrey.
An announcement would be made soon about short courses that would be run from Shepperton in conjunction with the NFTS.
Dan advised that a ‘Review of the year’ would be produced soon. |
Communications Update To receive an update on communications. Minutes: There was no update |
Off-Site Highway Works To receive a progress update on off-site highways works. Minutes: Matthew Wright gave an update on the Off-Site Highway Works.
Junction 4 would be completed summer 2024 and would include a new entrance roundabout to Shepperton South and improvements to the existing roundabout.
Work on Junction 1 would start in summer 2024 and last for about nine months. This would create a new roundabout at the end of Studios Road.
Work on the Laleham roundabout and crossing at Junction 6 would commence spring 2025.
The new roundabout at Junction 2 (New Road and Charlton Lane) would commence summer 2025.
Improvement works on the existing roundabout at Junction 3 (Squire’s Bridge Road) would begin summer 2026.
The road Crossing in Charlton Village had received technical approval from Surrey County Council and the aim was for this work to be carried out in parallel to the work on Junction 6.
The work for the Laleham Crossing would also likely be carried out parallel to those works for Junction 6 (work being done by UK Power Networks would prevent earlier road access).
Matthew advised that during the peak of construction they had about 800 cars arriving on site daily, this would decrease to about 200 over the next few weeks.
Councillor Clarke asked whether artist impressions of the new roundabouts could be circulated to the group and was informed that this would be done.
Mary Hunt asked for clarification over when the lights in the car park were supposed to be turned on and off. Matthew advised that lights for the carpark would come on between 6:00am – 6:30am and go off at 10:00pm. Lighting on low-level bollards would remain on until 11:00pm. Some low-level studio lighting would remain on all night. Matthew further stated that he would speak to someone onsite to ensure that lights were not on outside the designated times. |
Planning Progress Update To receive an update on other planning matters. Minutes: None |
AOB For any other business to be raised. Minutes: Andrew Smith, Corporate Affairs Director, advised that as the Studio transitioned from construction to operation new issues would likely arise and requested that residents inform them of any problems. He further stated that the Studio would be happy to do a walk around with residents and councillors to address any concerns.
Tristam Slater, General Manager Shepperton, advised that the Customer Service Team at the Studio had been greatly expanded and introduced Sarah Norcliffe, Head of Studio Services. The Customer Services contact line was open from 7:30am to 6:00pm, however out-of-hours any calls would be automatically forwarded to the Security Team to be handled. Any outstanding actions from overnight calls would be picked up the following morning.
Andrew advised that there would be an official opening event at some point.
The next meeting would be held in April 2024 and would be in one of the new buildings which would also function as a community space. |
Questions To receive questions from members of the public. Minutes: Mary Hunt asked whether the new Shepperton Studio sign would be lit up and was advised that it would be from late February / Early March 2024. It was further stated that the main reception building would have a subtle halo around it and that the 4 metre white posts at the entrance could also be lit up in different colours.
Councillor Mathur asked what percent of recruitment were local people and was advised that while they don’t have the exact figure there was a ‘locals first’ policy in place. Amazon and Netflix were also operating that policy. Conversations had taken place with local businesses to see what they could offer productions. There was a Kickstarter scheme in place for 19 – 25 year olds, which provided an opportunity to learn workplace skills for 6 months and could lead to permanent employment.
Meeting finished at 17:58 |