Agenda item

Motions - 30 July 2020

1.    To consider a report from the Monitoring Officer (to follow) on the following Motion which was proposed at the meeting held on 30 July 2020 and in accordance with Standing Order 28.2, was adjourned without discussion, to the next ordinary meeting of the Council:


“The Leader said he would be more inclusive when he was elected and yet has not demonstrated this so under Standing Order 28.2, I propose a variation to Council Standing Order 8.3 little f.   I move the following:


8.3 little ‘f’ be amended to prevent the Leader assigning all the Outside Bodies to his own party as opposed to the councillors best suited to carry out these roles.”

Proposed by Councillor R.A. Smith-Ainsley

Seconded by Councillor D. Saliagopoulos


2.    There were two Motions outstanding from the meeting held on 30 July 2020, however Motion 3 was withdrawn by the proposer following the meeting. The remaining Motion reads:


Motion 4.


“The House of Commons Public Accounts Committee published its report on Local authority investment in commercial property on 13th July 2020.  The Council notes the following conclusions arising from the report:

·         That in the view of the PAC, Spelthorne Borough Council borrowing from the Public Works Loans Board since 2016 has been excessive and undertaken against DHCLG and CIPFA guidance.

·         That in some authorities there have been failings in transparency, with decision making by small groups and inadequate scrutiny.


The Council resolves to take the following actions in response to the PAC report:

·         To require greater member involvement in all future investment related decisions above a defined transaction value.

·         To make available to members full information on significant portfolio expenditures, lettings and contractual amendments within 14 days of the decision.

·         To revise accounting structures to clearly separate the property investment portfolio from other Council activities and to make this segmentation transparent in future reporting to members.

·         To establish portfolio performance measures and risk management parameters to be reported periodically to members.


The details of these actions are to be agreed by the Leader's Property Investment Task Group and submitted to the Council for ratification.”

Proposed by:  Cllr Lawrence Nichols

Seconded by: Cllr Bernie Spoor



The Mayor explained that there were two motions to deal with which were carried over from the Council meeting held on 30 July 2020.


The first Motion was proposed at the meeting held on 30 July 2020 by Councillor R.A. Smith-Ainsley and seconded by Councillor D. Saliagopoulos and in accordance with Standing Order 28.2, was adjourned without discussion, to this meeting.


The Council considered the report from the Monitoring Officer in relation to this Motion.


Councillor R.A. Smith-Ainsley proposed and Councillor D. Saliagopoulos seconded the following amended Motion, to reflect the comments of the Monitoring Officer in her report:


“That Standing Order 8.3 little ‘f’ be amended to read: ‘Appoint to outside bodies except where appointment to those bodies has been delegated by the Council or is exercisable only by the Leader (the Leader’s appointment to be on a non-political basis and based upon individual Councillors’ skills)’.”


In accordance with Standing Order 20.13, the Council gave its consent to the alteration of the Motion.


The Motion was debated, put to the vote and carried.


Resolved that:

Standing Order 8.3 little ‘f’ be amended to read: ‘Appoint to outside bodies except where appointment to those bodies has been delegated by the Council or is exercisable only by the Leader (the Leader’s appointment to be on a non-political basis and based upon individual Councillors’ skills)


Motion 2

Councillor L.E. Nichols proposed and Councillor B.B. Spoor seconded the following Motion:


“The House of Commons Public Accounts Committee published its report on Local authority investment in commercial property on 13th July 2020.  The Council notes the following conclusions arising from the report:

  • That in the view of the PAC, Spelthorne Borough Council borrowing from the Public Works Loans Board since 2016 has been excessive and undertaken against DHCLG and CIPFA guidance.
  • That in some authorities there have been failings in transparency, with decision making by small groups and inadequate scrutiny.


The Council resolves to take the following actions in response to the PAC report:

  • To require greater member involvement in all future investment related decisions above a defined transaction value.


  • To make available to members full information on significant portfolio expenditures, lettings and contractual amendments within 14 days of the decision.
  • To revise accounting structures to clearly separate the property investment portfolio from other Council activities and to make this segmentation transparent in future reporting to members.
  • To establish portfolio performance measures and risk management parameters to be reported periodically to members.


The details of these actions are to be agreed by the Leader's Property Investment Task Group and submitted to the Council for ratification.”


The Motion was debated and Councillor R.A. Smith-Ainsley called for a recorded vote.


The voting was as follows:


FOR: (28)

Councillors M.M. Attewell, C. Barnard, C.L. Barratt, R.O. Barratt, C. Bateson, J.R. Boughtflower, S. Buttar, J.H. Doerfel, J. T. Doran, S.M. Doran, R.D. Dunn, S.A. Dunn, T. Fidler, N.J. Gething, M. Gibson, K.M. Grant, A.C. Harman, N. Islam, T. Lagden V.J. Leighton, M.J. Madams, J. McIlroy, A.J. Mitchell, L.E. Nichols, R.J. Noble, R.W. Sider BEM, B.B. Spoor and J. Vinson.


Councillors I.J. Beardsmore, A. Brar, H. Harvey, I.T.E. Harvey, O. Rybinski, D. Saliagopoulos, J.R. Sexton and R.A. Smith-Ainsley.




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