Agenda item

Anticipated timeline for Studios development works, to include update on Laleham Crossing

Members requested an update on the anticipated start of construction work in particular when the Zebra Crossing will be installed in Laleham.


Councillor Attewell introduced this item and invited Matthew Wright, Senior Development Manager, Pinewood Studios, to speak.


Matthew Wright provided a brisk update, agreed to provide the presentation slide for inclusion in the minutes (attached) and advised that further detail would be provided at the next meeting.


In response to questions Matthew Wright advised that in terms of the Highway crossings progress not as rapid as they would like as resources at County level had been diverted due to pandemic.


Sara Dutfield, Director of Planning at Turley, advised the group that a non-material amendment to the outline plan to change the South Eastern corner has been submitted after consultation with residents. Sara also advise that a  demolition consent application had submitted, that no additional buildings were being demolished and the details were all in the outline plan.


David Furst, Chairman of Laleham Residents Association, queried  why there had been a delay in commencing works on the Laleham crossing, which was due to be completed in July 20202, and if it needed to be complete before any works commenced.


Matthew Wright explained that the completion of the crossing was not an  approved commencement condition and that plans had been submitted to Surrey County Council almost a year ago but that it was taking time to progress. Matthew further advised that Pinewood Group Limited had offered financial support to Surrey County Council as they were aware that they were putting a lot of work to them and wanted to help them find resources to progress things as quickly as possible.


Councillor R. Walsh suggested that the group may wish to invite the relevant Surrey County Council Highways officer to the next meeting to provide a more detailed update.


Andrew Smith, Shepperton Studious and Corporate Affairs Director, Pinewood Group Limited,  explained that the construction industry had an exemption during COVID which had allowed construction work to continue and that as construction works sit solely within Pinewood they had continued.


Ken Snaith, Shepperton Residents Association, asked if replacement car parking was covered in the latest application. Sara Dutfield confirmed it was, showed a slide to the group to provide clarity and agreed to send the slide to Committee Services for inclusion in the minutes (attached).


Karen Howkins, Chairman of Charlton Village Residents Association, asked for details of the roundabout improvements near Charlton Lane. Matthew Wright advised that this would be included in the s278 package and that he could circulate the details of the Highways phasing strategy to members of the group after the meeting.


Karen Howkins queried if something could be done to improve the roundabout sooner as the old cottages shake when big lorries pass. Sara Dutfield advised that there was nothing planned at present and that the phasing had been agreed in such a way so as not to cripple the highways and make traffic worse. Councillor R. Walsh advised that the work will be phased so no chaos. Squires Bridge road currently closed for 2 months and traffic has spilled into surrounding rounds, traffic flow already not normal.


Resolved that


1.    Committee Services will circulate the slides presented and details of the Highways phasing strategy with the minutes.

2.    Committee Services will invite Charlie Cruise from Surrey County Council Highways to the next meeting.










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