Agenda item

Planning application 20/01555/FUL - Land to the north of Hanworth Road (Lok'n'Store and Johnson & Johnson


Sunbury Common



Demolition of existing buildings and structures and redevelopment of the site to include the erection of two new commercial buildings. Unit 1 to be Class B8 use and Unit 2 to be for flexible use within Classes B2, B8 and/or light industrial (Class E). A revised junction layout (A316 slip lane) and associated parking, servicing, landscaping and access and infrastructure works.



This application is recommended for approval subject to conditions, as set out in Section 8 of the report.





Demolition of existing buildings and structures and redevelopment of the site to include the erection of two new commercial buildings. Unit 1 to be Class B8 use and Unit 2 to be for flexible use within Classes B2, B8 and/or light industrial (Class E). A revised junction layout (A316 slip lane) and associated parking, servicing, landscaping and access and infrastructure works.


Additional Information:

Amended Plan

Plan 16625-/121B has been superseded by 16625-/121C which shows tree retention:


Consequently condition no.2 to be amended as follows:

16625-/106E; /121B; /VL_L01E received 11 April 2022

16625-/121C received 25 April 2022


Paragraph 3.3:- Corrections have been made in this paragraph for consistency of using GIA (Gross Internal Area) figures rather than GEA (Gross External Area) figures:


“The proposal involves the demolition of the existing buildings and the erection of 2 no. new commercial buildings providing a total of 10,439 sq. m (GEA) 9870 sq. m (GIA). Unit 1 will be located towards the western side of the site and measure 61.5m in width, 38.35m in depth and up to 16.5m in height. It will have 7,872 sq. m (GEA) 7432 sq. m (GIA) configured across 3 4 levels. The applicant states that it is anticipated that the unit will be used for self-storage although permission is being sought for a general B8 Use Class which comprises storage or distribution uses.   Unit 2 located on the eastern side of the site will measure 56.1m in width, 43.4m in depth and up to 16.5m in height. A total of 2,567 sq. m GEA 2438 sq. m (GIA) is proposed. The applicant is seeking a flexible use of either Use Class B2 (General Industrial), B8 (Storage and Distribution), or Light Industrial purposes in Use Class E.  A total of 51 car parking spaces are proposed: 15 no. for Unit 1 and 36 no. for Unit 2. A new road junction is proposed off the A316. This will be in a similar location to the existing junction and will improve the access/egress for users of all the units on the industrial estate. The existing secondary vehicular access to Johnson & Johnson will be closed. The servicing yards will be located at the rear of the site. The floorspace of both existing buildings is 8275 sq. m (GIA) which is to be replaced with a total of 9870 sq. m (GIA) floorspace making the increase 1595 sqm.”


A late letter of representation on behalf of Costco has been received raising concerns on the revised access arrangements and highway safety. Costco suggest that the revised plans should be subject to a formal Road Safety Audit.


It is relevant that note that the revised access arrangements have gone through a formal Road Safety Audit with National Highways who is satisfied with the revisions.


Public Speaking:

There were no public speakers for this application.



During the debate the following key issues were raised:


-       The application was a sensible use of the site

-       Concerns over increase in noise for residents living in nearby dwellings

-       Environmental Health had raised no objections on noise grounds

-       Existing high brick wall on rear boundary to be retained and an acoustic fence to be installed that should mitigate any noise concerns

-       Concerns that the retention of the existing wall was not a condition

-       Will the proposed use of the warehouses guarantee employment opportunities for local residents

-       Was this to be a 24/7 commercial operation

-       Concerns over the trees on site and how many would be removed.

-       Many new trees would be planted and the Trees Officer had no expressed any concerns.


The Committee agreed that a condition be added to retain the existing wall.


It was proposed by Councillor Sider BEM and seconded by Councillor Bateson that a further condition be added to restrict the hours of construction works audible beyond the site boundary to the following:


08:00 to 18:00 Monday to Friday

08:00 to 13:00 Saturdays

No construction work on Sundays or public/Bank holidays


The Committee agreed to add the restrictions to construction works as a condition.


It was proposed by Councillor N Gething and seconded by Councillor Bateson to approve the application.



The application was approved subject to the following amendments:


Additional Condition:


The existing wall shown to be maintained on plan no. 16625-101N shall be retained on site in perpetuity.


Reason – In the interest of residential amenity.



Amended Conditions


Condition no.2 to be amended as follows:

16625-/106E; /121B; /VL_L01E received 11 April 2022

16625-/121C received 25 April 2022


Condition no 7 to be amended as follows:


a) No development shall take place until a Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) for the site or relevant part of the site where any works are proposed has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority (in consultation with National Highways). The CEMP shall include, but not be limited to, the following:


·      The proposed construction traffic routes to the site, to be identified on a plan;

·      Construction Traffic Management Plan (to include the co-ordination of deliveries and plant and materials and the disposing of waste resulting from demolition and/or construction so as to avoid undue interference with the operation of the public highway, particularly during the Monday-Friday AM Peak (0800-0900) and PM Peak (1630-1800) periods);

·      an estimate of the daily movement of the construction traffic;

·      the hours of construction work and deliveries;

·      area(s) for the parking of vehicles of site operatives and visitors;

·      area(s) for the loading and unloading of plant and materials;

·      area(s) for the storage of plant and materials used in constructing the development;

    details of waste management arrangements;


·      consideration of emissions to air, water and land. Including noise & vibration, dust, general discharges and appropriate mitigation strategies;

·      the storage of materials and construction waste, including waste recycling where possible;

·      Risk Assessments and Method Statements for the works; and

·      contact details of personnel responsible for the construction works.


b) Work that is audible beyond the site boundary should only be carried out between 08:00hrs to 18:00hrs Monday to Friday, 08:00hrs to 13:00hrs Saturday and not at all on Sundays or any Public and/or Bank Holidays



a)    To mitigate any adverse impact from the development on the M3, to ensure that the M3 continues to be an effective part of the national system of routes for through traffic in accordance with section 10 of the Highways Act 1980 and to satisfy the reasonable requirements of road safety.


b)   In the interest of residential amenity.


Supporting documents: