(a) To elect the Mayor of the Borough for the Municipal Year 2021-22
(b) The Mayor to make the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
The retiring Mayor, Councillor C. Barnard, welcomed all members and guests to the Annual Meeting of the Council and invited Rev. J. Samadi, to say a word of prayer.
The Mayor thanked the officers of the Council, his Mayoress, the Deputy Mayor, Deputy Mayoress, Spelthorne residents and the Mayor’s secretary, Mrs. Sheila Kimpton, for their hard work and support during his Mayoral year.
Reflecting on his year in office the Mayor announced that a considerable sum had been raised for his nominated charities. The Mayor explained that whilst his Mayoral year had been different to most due to the pandemic, he had been fortunate to experience some of the normal Mayoral events whilst standing in for former Mayor, Councillor Mary Madams, during a period of ill health. The Mayor wished Councillor Mary Madams a full recovery.
The Mayor thanked Councillor R.W. Sider BEM for inviting him to the opening of a new venture at Trio pharmacy, Shepperton. He also thanked Councillor Saliagopoulos for inviting him to open a visiting facility, and tea in the garden at Ashford House nursing home, and Councillor Sue Doran for inviting him to visit the Stanwell allotment project and to the ancient Stanwell fair on the village green.
The Mayor reflected on the many visits he had made to the District Scout and Guide groups and to local schools and listed some of the awards he had had the pleasure to deliver including Spelthorne in Bloom awards, presenting over 100 litter picking certificates to children and Civic awards and commendations.
It was moved by Councillor O. Rybinski and seconded by Councillor A. Brar that Councillor I.T.E. Harvey be appointed Mayor for the Municipal Year 2021-2022.
It was moved by Councillor A.J. Mitchell and seconded by Councillor M. Gibson that Councillor A.C. Harman be appointed Mayor for the Municipal Year 2021-2022.
A recorded vote was conducted, as requested by Councillor R.A. Smith-Ainsley with the results as follows.
FOR Councillor I.T.E Harvey (20)
Councillors: Bateson, Beardsmore, Brar, Doran J, Doran S, Dunn R, Dunn S, Fidler, Grant, Harvey H, Harvey I, Lagden, Nichols, Rybinski, Saliagopoulos, Sexton, Siva, Smith-Ainsley, Spoor and Vinson.
FOR Councillor A.C Harman (18)
Councillors: Attewell, Barnard, Barratt C, Barratt R, Boughtflower, Buttar, Chandler, Gething, Gibson, Harman, Islam, Leighton, Madams, McIlroy, Mitchell, Mooney, Noble and Sider.
Resolved that Councillor Ian Harvey be appointed Mayor for the Municipal Year 2021-22.
A short adjournment took place to hand over the robes and badge of Office to the new Mayor during which a short video highlighting moments from Councillor Barnard’s Mayoral Year was shown.
Councillor Ian Harvey made the Declaration of Acceptance of Office as Mayor of the Borough of Spelthorne and took the Chair. He thanked his proposer and seconder and the Council for supporting him in his election as Mayor. He presented Councillor C.F. Barnard with the past Mayor’s badge.
The outgoing Mayoress, Mrs. Barbara Barnard, presented the Mayoress badge to Councillor Mrs. Helen Harvey who in turn presented Mrs. Barnard with a past Mayoress badge.
The Mayor, Councillor Ian Harvey paid tribute to the outgoing Mayor and Mayoress, and commended Councillor A.C. Harman and Mrs. Daphne Harman for their dedicated support of Councillor Barnard throughout his Mayoral year.
The Mayor expressed his desire to connect with young people and encourage them to engage with their borough and stated that it was his intention to support charities that worked with young people and families who had children with additional needs.
The Mayor announced that he had appointed a Chaplain for his Mayoral Year, the Reverend Andrew Downes, Vicar of St Mary’s’, Sunbury, and stated that he would invite him to receive his Chaplain’s badge at the next full Council meeting.