Agenda item

Planning application 21/01182/FUL - Shepperton Studios, Studios Road, Shepperton, TW17 0QD



Laleham and Shepperton Green




Construction of a workshop (plot1.4), utility building and security barriers, turnstile and guard shelter, with associated enabling works, access and parking at Shepperton North West.




The application is recommended for approval subject to conditions set out at Paragraph 8 of the Report.




Description: Construction of a workshop (plot 1.4), utility building and security barriers, turnstile and guard shelter, with associated enabling works, access and parking at Shepperton North West.


Additional Information:

The applicant submitted a letter in support of the application which states that the footprint of the building is 1,722.7m2 within the backlot site of over 24,250m2, which represents 7% of the total area and that the impact on openness would be imperceptible visually and marginal practically.


It concludes that the proposed workshop building on an approved backlot would be minor in scale of area and insignificant to negligible in terms of Green Belt openness. The economic benefits of the Shepperton scheme are acknowledged in the Committee Report and very special circumstances are confirmed to exist to justify a grant of planning permission.


The LLFA has raised no objection to the application and has recommended conditions and informatives.


The conditions are already contained in the report.


The informative should be added as follows: “If proposed works result in infiltration of surface water to ground within a Source Protection Zone the Environment Agency will require proof of surface water treatment to achieve water quality standards”.


Paragraph 7.25 is to read “…lost to the proposed scheme and therefore would be left with 6 acres (2.41 hectares).”


Public Speaking:

In accordance with the Council’s procedure for speaking at meetings, Matthew Wright, Senior Development Manager spoke for the proposed development raising the following key points:


-       This application was a refinement to the outline permission that had already been granted.

-       The expansion would make Shepperton Studios the 2nd largest in the world and provide economic benefits to the Borough of Spelthorne, the County of Surrey and the UK as a whole.

-       The new facilities would be ready for use in 2023 with half of the additional space already leased to Netflix.

-       The location of the proposed workshop and car parking is on land permitted as a backlot.

-       The new workshop floorspace is only 7% of the total approved backlot area.

-       The application has no Green Belt implications as it will be a developed site under the existing permission.

-       A commitment has been given by Shepperton Studios to plant over 30,000 new trees providing tree cover and new habitats.

-       15% on site renewable energy will be provided with the use of photovoltaic panels and 100% of all the energy required for the Studio will be from off-site renewable sources.

-       20% of parking spaces will have EV charging points,

-       Sustainable travel measures such as cycle parking, shower facilities and free shuttle bus travel to and from local train stations are to be put in place.



During the debate the following key issues were raised:


-       The proposed design fits in with other buildings on the site

-       The proposed floorspace would not take the site as a whole over the maximum amount previously approved

-       The Local Planning Authority is satisfied that this would not increase traffic flow

-       The Secretary of State agreed that the economic benefits for this site should be considered at special circumstances

-       Concerns were raised over the encroachment onto Green Belt land but any harm was outweighed by the positives

-       This application has no impact on the biodiversity of the site

-       More EV charging spaces to be provided on this site

-       Planting of the 30,000 trees is vital

-       The proposed building is lower than the existing surrounding buildings



For – 10

Against – 1

Abstain - 1



The application was APPROVED subject to an additional informative to read as follows:


With reference to condition 7 concerning EV charging points, the applicant is requested to give consideration to providing 100% EV charging points with this development.

Supporting documents: