To receive any announcements from the Leader.
The Leader made the following announcements:
“Firstly, I would like to welcome Cllr Stuart Whitmore who this week was elected to represent the Laleham and Shepperton Green ward. Many congratulations on your election – I look forward to working with you.
At an Extraordinary Council Meeting on 19 May, councillors voted to progress the Local Plan and Staines Development Framework to the next consultation phase. Whilst the Plan will deliver many positives for the Borough in terms of affordable housing, new infrastructure and responding to the climate emergency, it has been a very difficult challenge to balance these benefits against the high number of new homes the Government expects us to deliver. Ultimately, the Council feels that not having an up-to-date Local Plan runs the bigger risk of not being able to defend our most precious green spaces against unwanted development. The online consultation will begin on Wednesday 15 June and run until Monday 5 September.
This summer we will be asking residents for their views on several residential developments in Spelthorne, through a series of consultations. This includes proposals for affordable homes at The White House in Ashford, Benwell House phase 2 in Sunbury, Thameside House in Staines, Ashford multi storey car park and 91 – 93 Staines High Street. Plans to also build a new medical centre and 182 affordable homes for residents on the Oast House site next to Staines station have taken a step forward after Council voted to approve to progress to the planning application phase. The scheme forms part of the Staines Development Framework which residents will have an opportunity to comment on during the summer months. Details of how to respond to all the consultations will be communicated to residents soon, please keep looking at our dedicated consultation page on our website.
The Council has begun a six-week consultation with residents as part of a review of the Staines Conservation Area, which runs until Friday 24 June. This is the first review of eight conservation areas which include proposals to extend the boundaries in some places and remove areas where the designation is no longer justified.
At the end of April, the Council was informed by the Home Office that The Stanwell Hotel would be used to accommodate asylum seekers while their claims for sanctuary and protection in the UK are being assessed. This is a private arrangement between the Home Office and the hotel, which has now to the public. In the last few months, this authority has seen the heart-warming way in which our community has stood by the people of both Afghanistan and Ukraine, and it is hoped that asylum seekers will receive an equally warm welcome from residents.
Following a consultation, the Council has taken the step of expanding its Dog Control Public Space Protection Order. Dog owners are now required to carry bags or other suitable means to clear up after their dogs, and to place their dogs on a lead in a public area if required to do so by an authorised officer. Restrictions have also been placed on the number of dogs which professional dog walkers are allowed to walk at one time.
Finally, plans for the Queen's Platinum Jubilee bank holiday are gathering pace. There will be lots of events taking place in Spelthorne, including themed picnics in Lammas, Laleham and Fordbridge parks. Residents can check our website and social media for more details. I hope you have a wonderful extended bank holiday and have the chance to come along to one of our events or join one of the many street parties taking place across the Borough.“