To appoint the chairs and vice-chairs to committees, in accordance with the Council’s Constitution.
The chair and vice-chair of the Development Sub-Committee will be appointed at a later date, following the receipt of nominations from the Development Sub-Committee.
At the meeting on 26 May 2022
The Mayor explained that Group Leaders had put forward their nominations for Chairmanships for Committees for the 2022/23 municipal year but as there were several nominations, a vote would need to be taken.
Corporate Policy and Resources
Resolved to appoint Councillor John Boughtflower as Chairman of the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee.
Resolved to appoint Councillor Tony Mitchell as Vice-Chairman of Corporate Policy and Resources Committee.
Community Wellbeing and Housing
Two nominations had been received for Chairman of Community Wellbeing and Housing Committee: Councillor Sandra Dunn and Councillor Maureen Attewell.
A vote was taken, and Council resolved to appoint Councillor Maureen Attewell as Chairman of the Community Wellbeing and Housing Committee.
Two nominations had been received for Vice-Chairman of Community Wellbeing and Housing Committee: Councillor Sandra Dunn and Councillor Helen Harvey.
A vote was taken, and Council resolved to appoint Councillor Helen Harvey as Vice-Chairman of Community Wellbeing and Housing Committee.
Economic Development
Resolved to appoint Councillor Colin Barnard as Chairman of the Economic Development Committee.
Resolved to appoint Councillor Tom Fidler as Vice-Chairman of Economic Development Committee
Environment and Sustainability
Two nominations had been received for Chairman of Environment and Sustainability Committee: Councillor Ian Beardsmore and Councillor Malcolm Beecher.
A vote was taken, and Council resolved to appoint Councillor Malcolm Beecher as Chairman of the Environment and Sustainability Committee.
Resolved to appoint Councillor Ian Beardsmore as Vice-Chairman of Environment and Sustainability Committee.
Neighbourhood Services and Enforcement
Two nominations had been received for Chairman of Neighbourhood Services and Enforcement Committee: Councillor Helen Harvey and Councillor Joanne Sexton.
A vote was taken, and Council resolved to appoint Councillor Joanne Sexton as Chairman of Neighbourhood Services and Enforcement Committee.
Resolved to appoint Councillor John Doran as Vice-Chairman of Neighbourhood Services and Enforcement Committee.
Resolved to appoint Councillor Naz Islam as Chairman of Administrative Committee.
Resolved to appoint Councillor Sandra Dunn as Vice-Chair of the Administrative Committee.
Two nominations had been received for Chairman of Audit Committee: Councillor Richard Barratt and Councillor Lawrence Nichols.
A vote was taken, and Council resolved to appoint Councillor Lawrence Nichols as Chairman of the Audit Committee.
Resolved to appoint Councillor Richard Barratt as Vice-Chairman of the Audit Committee.
Resolved to appoint Councillor Robin Sider BEM as Chairman of the Licensing Committee.
Resolved to appoint Councillor Olivia Rybinski as Vice-Chairman of the Licensing Committee.
Two nominations had been received for Chairman of the Planning Committee: Councillor Nick Gething and Councillor Richard Smith-Ainsley.
A vote was taken, and Council resolved to appoint Councillor Richard Smith-Ainsley as Chairman of Planning Committee.
Resolved to appoint Councillor Nick Gething as Vice-Chairman of Planning Committee.
Resolved to appoint Ian Winter as Independent Chairman of the Standards Committee.
Resolved to appoint Dylan Price as Independent Vice-Chairman of Standards Committee.
At the meeting on 8 June 2022
It was proposed by Councillor Boughtflower and seconded by Councillor Mitchell to withdraw the previous nominations for Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of Committees.
Resolved to withdraw previous nominations.
Resolved to appoint Chairs and Vice-Chairs to Committees and Sub-Committees as set out in the supplementary agenda.
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