Agenda item

Variation to the Waterfront Development Agreement

To consider a recommendation from the Development Sub-Committee meeting on 26 July 2022.


Council considered a report from the Development Advisor that sought approval of:


1.    the request for a design variation to the Development Agreement between the Council and Arora Hotels Group Ltd from a 354-bed upscale 4* luxury hotel led scheme to a 205-bed upscale luxury 4* hotel led regeneration scheme (as presented to Council on 09 February 2022 by Arora). Full scheme analysis can be seen at Appendix 1 (Cushman’s Market Report),


2.    the request for an extension of the Planning Condition Long Stop Date and the Vacant Possession Long Stop date in the Development Agreement to 31 December 2023,


3.    the Amended Planning and Vacant Possession Long Stop dates that will be applicable to the amended scheme; and


4.    delegate authority to the Deputy Chief Executive and Group Head of Corporate Governance in consultation with the Chair of the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee to enter into a Deed of Variation to the Development Agreement to give effect.



The Leader advised Council that he would be setting up a cross-party Sub-Committee made up of only of Staines Councillors to monitor the Waterfront development and be involved in talks with Arora. This Committee would be a sub-group of the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee and would therefore report back to them. He also stated that a public consultation would take place before any planning application was submitted.




It was proposed by Councillor Fidler and seconded by Councillor Barnard and resolved by Council that Standing Orders should be suspended to enable consideration of the item to continue.



The Mayor requested that recorded votes were taken for the 4 recommendations outlined in the report.


Recommendation 1:


For: Cllrs Attewell, Barnard, C Barratt, R Barratt, Beardsmore, Boughtflower, Brar, Buttar, Chandler, Fidler, Gething, Harman, H Harvey, I Harvey, Islam, Leighton, Noble, Rybinski and Sider – 19 votes


Against: Councillor Spoor – 1 vote


Abstain: Cllr S Doran, Saliagopoulos, Bateson, Button, J Doran, Gibson, Grant, Mooney, Nichols, Sexton, Vinson and Whitmore – 12 votes


Council resolved to approve Recommendation 1 of the report


Recommendation 2:


For: Cllrs Attewell, Barnard, C Barratt, R Barratt, Beardsmore, Boughtflower, Brar, Buttar, Chandler, Fidler, Gething, Harman, H Harvey, I Harvey, Islam, Leighton, Nichols, Noble, Rybinski and Sider – 20 votes


Against: No votes


Abstain: Cllrs S Doran, Saliagopoulos, Bateson, Button, J Doran, Gibson, Grant, Money, Sexton, Spoor, Vinson and Whitmore – 12 votes


Council resolved to approve Recommendation 2 of the report


Recommendation 3:


For: Cllrs Attewell, Barnard, C Barratt, R Barratt, Beardsmore, Boughtflower, Brar, Buttar, Chandler, Fidler, Gething, Harman, H Harvey, I Harvey, Islam, Leighton, Nichols, Noble, Rybinski and Sider – 20 votes


Against: No votes


Abstain: Cllrs S Doran, Saliagopoulos, Bateson, Button, J Doran, Gibson, Grant, Money, Sexton, Spoor, Vinson and Whitmore – 12 votes


Council resolved to approve Recommendation 3 of the report



Recommendation 4:


For: Cllrs Attewell, Barnard, C Barratt, R Barratt, Beardsmore, Boughtflower, Brar, Buttar, Chandler, Fidler, Gething, Harman, H Harvey, I Harvey, Islam, Leighton, Noble, Rybinski and Sider – 19 votes


Against: No votes


Abstain: Cllrs S Doran, Saliagopoulos, Bateson, Button, J Doran, Gibson, Grant, Money, Nichols, Sexton, Spoor, Vinson and Whitmore – 13 votes


Council resolved to approve Recommendation 4 of the report




Supporting documents: