Demolition of existing building and construction of new build 2.5 storey residential building comprising of 13 flats and 15 under-croft car spaces.
Approve the application subject to conditions as set out at paragraph 8 of this report.
Description: Demolition of an existing building and construction of new build 2.5 storey residential building comprising of 13 flats and 15 under-croft car spaces.
Additional Information: The Senior Planning Officer informed the Committee of two changes to the report:
1. Updates to paras 7.6 and 7.7
Paragraph 7.6 figure 3,286 should read 3,424 dwellings. Paragraph 7.7 figure 4.43 years should read 4.6 year supply.
2. Condition 20 to be amended as follows:
That Prior to the occupation of the
development hereby approved, final details of the Action
Plan as generally set out in section
9 of the Travel Plan written by Capital Transport Planning (June
2021) shall be submitted to and agreed in
writing by the Local Planning Authority and be implemented
in accordance with the details and
timetable set out in table 3 of the travel plan and
thereafter maintained in perpetuity.
Public Speaking: In accordance with the Council’s procedure for speaking at meetings, Kath Sanders spoke against the proposed development raising the following key points:
-The number of units should be reduced further
-There were already 23 conditions and nine informatives which showed the scheme was not straightforward
-The Environmental Health Officer’s report found issues which included contamination risk assessments which needed to be resubmitted
-The Lead Local Flood Authority still required a SuDS drainage strategy
-The condition to ensure correct boundary treatment was still undetermined
-The Secured by Design standard should be considered as a condition and not informative for this application and others
-The applicant was not compliant with Lifetime Homes
-There was inadequate provision for disabled and elderly persons
-There was inadequate parking
-There was issue with safe access due to bikes and pedestrians mixing with refuse vehicles and lorries
- There was an ineffective travel plan
-There were issues related to amenity space
-The development was not sustainable
In accordance with the Council’s procedure for speaking at meetings, Graham Sturdy spoke for the proposed development raising the following key points:
-There were no objections from statutory consultees
-The objector talked of matters dealt with by conditions and building regulations
-The applicant would adhere to all agreed conditions and adhere to the building regulations
-There was no objection from the Environment Agency particularly in relation to Sweeps Ditch
-Units were reduced to ensure all proposed units achieve minimum requirements
-Parking arrangements were not questioned by Surrey County Council
-Lifetime Homes would be dealt with through building regulations
-The officer recommendation should be followed
During the debate the following key issues were raised:
-The development would provide homes to residents in the borough
-There was concern with amenity space and communal space
-Cars would have to queue on Gresham Road when waiting for the entrance gate to open which would be dangerous
-An entrance from Drake Avenue would be more practical
-There was no recent parking survey data beyond summer 2021
-There would be potential pollution into Sweeps Ditch which could affect threatened species
-The design of the development complimented the surrounding area
-There could be potential hazards with children living near Sweeps Ditch
-Access into and out of the development would be problematic for vehicles particularly when all parking spaces were occupied
-A Secured by Design certificate was not provided by the applicant
-The entrance area was not a concern as there was space for two cars
-This development was a good use of Brownfield Land
-There should be an amendment to condition 23 with Sweeps Ditch included in enhancement measures to safeguard wildlife on site
-Improvements could be made to make this a better development
-There was no justification to refuse this development on advice from statutory bodies
The Committee voted on this application as follows:
For- 11
Against- 0
Abstain- 3
The application was approved subject to the reported amendment to condition 20 and the following additional informative:
The applicant is advised to consider protecting wildlife within Sweeps Ditch when implementing the enhancement measures in accordance with condition 23.
Supporting documents: