Agenda item

Planning application - 23/00185/FUL - 10 Chestnut Grove Staines-Upon-Thames TW18 1BZ



Staines South




Demolition of converted garage and erection of new build part single storey, part two storey dwelling house with integral garage, including single storey rear extension to existing dwelling.




Approve the application subject to conditions as set out at Paragraph 8 of the Report.




Demolition of converted garage and erection of new build part single storey, part two storey dwelling house with integral garage, including single storey rear extension to existing dwelling.


Additional Information:


The Senior Planning Officer reported the following:


The “Extension of Time Agreed until” should read 02.06.2023 rather than 28.03.2023.

The applicant has submitted a ‘sunlight study’.  This does impact the officer’s recommendation. 


An overlay floor plan has also been received, showing the outline of the existing planning permission against the current proposals.


Public Speaking:

In accordance with the Council’s procedure for speaking at meetings, Vernon Hillstrom spoke against the proposed development raising the following key points:


-Current tenants were not made aware of this new application by the owner

-The new drawings show two kitchens which was not normal for a home dwelling

-The owner seemed to plan on having one entrance but house multiple occupants in the property per room

-Doubts were raised regarding legislation, regulation and fire risk assessment being adhered to

-There was no more room for parking down Chestnut Grove

-The current driveway for this property would be replaced with a garage

-The layout and density of this new build would not fit the profile of other houses on this street

-The proposal to bring the property towards the street would result in a loss of privacy for neighbours

-This development would be overbearing for the residents on Churchill Court

-The street cannot handle large trucks, lorries and tradesman for a long time which such a building would bring

-Long term disruption to a residential street would be caused

-This property would limit the sunlight neighbouring houses receive


In accordance with the Council’s procedure for speaking at meetings, Matt Sung, spoke for the proposed development raising the following key points:


-This was the revised application to the previous application which was granted on 29 June 2022

-The main changes compared to the previous application included a new internal parking space, a front elevation increase by 945mm and a rear extension increase by 1m

-The new dwelling would form a semi-detached part of the existing dwelling detached house

-the new dwelling would fully integrate into the existing first floor set back from the building line, with no overbearing

-The footprint was sufficient for a two bedroom house

-The guidelines set out by housing standards and local SPD on design and residential development were met

-The revised proposal would have an internal garage instead of off street parking, with no change to street parking

-A sunlight study carried out showed no impact on Churchill Court as the new areas are on the north side of it

-The first floor window was set back from the building line so is no worse than the current situation

-The first floor window was in recommended minimum distance for overlooking and privacy between windows across the road


In accordance with the Council’s procedure for speaking at meetings, Councillor Bateson spoke as Ward Councillor against the proposed development raising the following key points:


-Residents had raised concern for the previous application

-The previous application was submitted and refused for this site in October 2021

-The application was previously refused for the overbearing impact for residents on Churchill Court

-This is the third application within 18 months

-The Council had received eight communications from residents opposing the scheme

-The existing dwelling would see the addition of a rear extension with a greater depth than in previous applications

-There was concern regarding the overhang of the guttering which should not overhang the boundary line with the adjoining property

-Residents argue this application is overbuilding of the existing site which would have knock on implications for those living in the locality

-The eight letters of objection raise some genuine planning concerns

-One major concern was the lack of  parking provision

-Chestnut Grove was a busy road with limited off road parking

-All residents relied on parking within the street

-The street was often congested with parked cars

-The Council’s car parking standards were overridden 

-The public transport provision was not adequate



During the debate the following key issues were raised:


-The report referred to a number of minor breaches to Planning guidance

-There was still an overbearing impact on Churchill Court

-This was a good proposal for tenants who are unable to buy a property

-There was insufficient parking available on the street

-There may be risk that the owners maintain the garage as habitable space rather than utilising for parking

-There was concern regarding storage of waste bins

-There was concern regarding the dimensions of the garage and difficulty with vehicle entrance

-There was no solid reason to refuse this application



The Committee voted on the application as follows:


For: 8

Against: 8

Abstain: 0



Thereafter, by 8 votes in favour and 8 votes against, on the Chair’s casting vote the motion to approve the application FELL.


The meeting was adjourned at 21:02 and reconvened at 21:09


It was proposed by Councillor Geraci and seconded by Councillor Beecher that the proposed dwelling would, by reason of the design and layout to the front, have a cramped appearance and a detrimental impact on the street scene and would be out of character with the surrounding area, contrary to policy EN1 of the Spelthorne Borough Local Plan, 2009.



The voting was as follows:


For: 9

Against: 7

Abstain: 0



Decision: The application was overturned and refused planning permission for the following reason:


The proposed dwelling would, by reason of the design and layout to the front, have a cramped appearance and a detrimental impact on the street scene and would be out of character with the surrounding area, contrary to policy EN1 of the Spelthorne Borough Local Plan, 2009.




Supporting documents: