Agenda item

Planning Application - 23/00274/FUL - Scout Hut, Wood Lane, Shepperton TW17 0DX


Laleham and Shepperton Green



Demolition of existing hut and erection of 2 bungalows with associated amenity space and parking.



Approve the application subject to conditions as set out at paragraph 8 of the report.


Description: Demolition of existing hut and erection of 2 bungalows with associated amenity space and parking.


Additional Information:


The Senior Planning Officer reported the following:


1.    Updates to paras 3.2; 7.24 and 7.26

     Paragraph 3.2: Petts Close should read Petts Lane.

     Paragraphs 7.24 and 7.26 89 Wood Road should read

     68 Wood Road and in paragraph 7.26 the separation 

     distance should read 1m not 0.5m.


2.    Update to Appendices – Plan no. 2 – Floor Plans Layout 3 - Drawing replaced by Wood Road Shepperton_19-05-23_01 Layout 3


3.    Update to Consultees: The Council’s Arboricultural Officer has advised that there are no objections to the loss of any trees. However he recommends replacement planting. (Condition 16 added).  


4.    Condition 2 to be amended as follows:

    The development hereby permitted shall be carried 

    out in accordance with the following approved plans

    Wood Road Shepperton_23-03-23_01 Layout 4,

    received 02/05/2023; Wood Road Shepperton_23-03

    10-02-23_01 Layout 1; Wood Road Shepperton_23-

    03-10-02-23_01 Layout 2 Received 03.03.2023);

    Wood Road Shepperton_23-03-19-05-23_01 Layout

    5; Wood Road Shepperton_23-03-19-05-23_01

    Layout 6; Wood Road Shepperton_23-03-19-05-

    23_01 Layout 7; Wood Road Shepperton_23-03-

    19-05-23_01 Layout 8; Wood Road Shepperton_23

    03-19-05-23_01 Layout 9; Wood Road

    Shepperton_23-03-19-05-23_01 Layout 10 received

    on 05/06/2023 and Wood Road Shepperton_23-03-

    19-05-23_01 Layout 3 Received 07.06.2023).


5.    Condition 16 to be added:

    Details of a scheme of both soft and hard landscaping

    works shall be submitted to and approved by the

    Local Planning Authority prior to first occupation of 

    any part of the development hereby approved.  The

    approved schemeof tree and shrub planting shall be

    carried out prior to first occupation of the buildings

    and/or site.  The planting so provided shall be

    maintained as approved for a minimum period of 5

    years, such maintenance to include the replacement

    in the current or next planning season, whichever is

    the sooner, of any trees or shrubs that may die, are

    removed or become seriously damaged or diseased

    with others of similar size and species, unless the

    Local Planning Authority gives written permission to

    any variation.


    Reason:- To minimise the loss of visual amenity

    occasioned by the development and to enhance the

    proposed development in accordance with policies

    SP6 and EN1 of the Spelthorne Borough Core

    Strategy and Policies Development Plan Document



6.    Condition 17 to be added:

    Prior to the occupation of the development hereby

    permitted the ground floor window on the southern

    side elevation of House A, and the ground floor

    kitchen/dining room window on the southern side

    elevation of House B, shall be obscure glazed

    and be non-opening to a minimum height of 1.7

    metres above internal floor level in accordance with

    details/samples of the type of glazing pattern to be

    submitted to and approved in writing by the Local

    Planning Authority. These windows shall thereafter be

    permanently retained as installed.


    Reason:- To safeguard the privacy of the adjoining

    property in accordance with policies SP6 and EN1 of

    the Spelthorne Borough Core Strategy and Policies

    Development Plan Document 2009.


7.    Informative 10 to be added relating to Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 as amended, the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 and the Conservation (Natural Habitats) Regulations 1994.


8.    Additional correspondence has also been received: from a local resident raising concerns about the plans not being uploaded onto the website timeously, inaccuracies in the report and reinforcing concerns regarding the proposal which are considered within the Officer’s report.



Public Speaking:

In accordance with the Council’s procedure for speaking at meetings, Malcolm Robertson spoke against the proposed development raising the following key points:


-68 Wood Road’s only living room window would be grossly obstructed

-Significant loss of daylight would result

-There was an overwhelming aspect of brick

-House B’s rear wall would dominate neighbouring gardens

-The rear windows would see over boundary fences into neighbouring gardens

-There was gross intrusion and invasion of privacy

-There was a loss of amenity and reduction in enjoyment for neighbours

-Spelthorne’s proximity rule to prevent cramped housing was broken twice

-The site plan was cramped

-Petts Lane was often full with parked cars

-Reversing into busy roads would be dangerous

-There were no areas for turning and manoeuvring

-There were only four car spaces when the Council policy required five

-Traffic splays were not accurate




In accordance with the Council’s procedure for speaking at meetings, Thomas Ryan spoke for the proposed development raising the following key points:


-The current application had accommodated all issues raised in previous applications

-This scheme did not have an adverse impact on the surrounding neighbours in terms of overlooking, overshadowing or overbearing

-The highways officer was satisfied that there was good visibility in both directions for both parking spots

-There was no identified highway dangers

-The bungalows had been reduced in size with the roofline lowered to make sure the development fits into the area without detriment

-the officers report dealt with relevant issues in detail

-the current building was an eyesore which added no value

-This was a user friendly and sympathetic scheme

-This development was in keeping with the local area



In accordance with the Council’s procedure for speaking at meetings, Councillor Howkins spoke as Ward Councillor on the proposed development raising the following key points:


-This was the wrong development for this plot of land

-This application was best suited to one property

-This was an overdevelopment

-There was danger on the road for residents on Wood Road and Petts Lane

-The privacy and light of residents on Wood Road and Barley Mow Way would be invaded

-Neighbouring properties would have their rights to a peaceful life removed

-There was inadequate parking provision

 -Reversing out from house B onto Petts Lane could not occur safely due to parked cars

-There were highway safety concerns associated with the speed limit of 30 miles per hour in this area with blind corners

-The application broke Spelthorne’s size and dimensions policy

-Access problems would be alleviated if plans were revised to include only one property



During the debate the following key issues were raised:


-Concern was raised regarding the separation distance between the proposed


-This development was within Planning guidance

-There was inadequate parking provision

-There was an inadequate flood risk assessment

-The plans did not highlight how narrow Petts Lane was

-The highway safety concerns required readdressing

-This was an overdevelopment

-This development did not consider residents in surrounding areas

-This development was an improvement on the previous applications


The Committee voted on the application as follows:


For: 8

Against: 7

Abstain: 0


Decision: The recommendation to approve was agreed and the application was approved subject to conditions.


Supporting documents: