Agenda item

Announcements from the Mayor

To receive any announcements from the Mayor.


The Mayor provided the following announcements to the Council:


“I hope Members have enjoyed a good Summer.  It is hard to believe that we are now in Autumn.


Since the last Council meeting my Consort and I have been around visiting the borough and beyond. 

As you would expect, as we are so fortunate to have our River communities, we have attended many regattas and have met hundreds of young people and volunteers.  We have some really great Rowing and Sailing Clubs in this borough.  I particularly recall meeting a 95 year old gentleman who rowed in Lower Sunbury and was actually in the winning boat of the day!   I had the honour of meeting Mr Alan Pascoe, ex Olympian, at his beautiful home in lower Sunbury.  He opened his gardens for local fundraising.  We have been meeting up with the other Mayors of Surrey and attending their Civic Services.  I would like to thank my Committee who have been supporting me in the Mayor’s Charities fundraising ideas.  Alderman Robin Sider, BEM (who is here this evening I see in the public gallery!), Cllr Darren Clarke, and Cllr Michele Gibson.  Also to our officers who have kept the wheel of the Mayorial role going.   Our first Fundraiser is on Friday 3rd November ‘ a “Greek Night” at Thameside Brewery.  If you have never seen a live Greek Band or indeed eaten Greek Food, then please do come along. 


Its been an honour to have been invited, and have become, a Honorary Rotarian for Staines.  Last week I attended the presentations of the Duke of Edinburgh Award to our young people in the borough.  This Council chamber was full to the rafters - the biggest crowd I have ever seen in this Chamber.  Parents and families watching the achievements of some very very talented young people in this borough.  I also had a group of young Rainbow brownies visit - the evening was spent with the children learning how to put their hand up and speak on the microphone.  Its given us an idea and I would like to encourage other schools and groups to come and meet me, and hold our taster meetings in this chamber.  We need to encourage our young people to get involved in how the Council works and indeed with a view to becoming councillors in the future!


We visited our twinning town, Melun in France for their “Brie Festival”.  I came away from there thinking we need to ensure that this continues - especially for the benefit of our young people with educational exchanges and cultural trips. 


Finally, I have been visiting lots of our elderly population in the Care and Nursing Homes in the borough.  I would recommend any member this evening, if you have a Nursing Home in your Ward, please go and meet them.  You are made so welcome and I promise you they really appreciate hearing from local community leaders. We have a very busy Agenda this evening.  I will be providing you with a  you a more in-depth report at our December meeting as we are well into the halfway point of my appointment. Thank you very much Councillors and officers”.