Agenda item

Service Plans 2024-25

To review and approve the Service Plans for 2024-2025 for this Committee and recommend to Corporate Policy and Resources Committee that they approve the proposed Service Plans for 2024-2025.


Appendix A of the report will follow.


The Chief Accountant presented the report on the proposed Service Plans including Revenue and Capital bids, and Savings plans for each Cost Centre and advised the Committee that the recommendation in the report needed to be amended to include the approval and recommendation of the Capital Growth Bids.


The Chief Account advised the Committee of an error in Appendix C, stating that the figures in the last row were incorrect and it was agreed that these would be corrected.


The Committee asked if it would be possible to include more information on the Savings Plan to show exactly where the savings were being made and were advised that the Group Head Neighbourhood Services and the Chief Accountant would discuss to see if there was a better way to present this information.


The Committee observed that there was no cumulative total presented on the Savings Plan and the Chief Accountant advised that this would be rectified.


The Chief Accountant advised that the Growth Bid for Ground Maintenance related to the loss of the service for maintaining highway verges. The Committee queried whether there was a clearer way for this to be presented and it was agreed that the term Growth Bid could be replaced by ‘budget adjustment’.


The Committee resolved to:

  1. Approve the proposed Revenue Growth Bids, Capital Growth Bids and Savings Plans for 2024-25 for this Committee.

2.    Recommend to Corporate Policy & Resources Committee that they approve the proposed Revenue Growth Bids, Capital Growth Bids and Savings Plans for 2024-25.

Supporting documents: