Agenda item

Planning application - 24/00046/FUL, Ashford Town Football Club, Sports Club, Short Lane, Stanwell, Staines-upon-Thames, TW19 7BH


Ashford North & Stanwell South



Provision of an artificial grass pitch (AGP), floodlighting and ancillary works.



Refuse the application for the reasons set out at Paragraph 8 of the Report.



Provision of an artificial grass pitch (AGP), floodlighting and ancillary works.


Additional Information:

Matthew Churchill, Principal Planning Officer reported on the following updates:


Revisions to paragraph 1.3 on the Council’s Local Plan 2022-2037 (amendments underlined):


The local plan was submitted to the Planning Inspectorate under Regulation 19 on 25 November 2022.  An Examination into the Local Plan commenced on 23 May 2023.  However, on 6 June 2023, the Council resolved the following:  Spelthorne Borough Council formally requests the Planning Inspector to pause the Examination Hearings into the Local Plan for a period of three (3) months to allow time for the new council to understand and review the policies and implications of the Local Plan and after the three month pause the Council will decide what actions may be necessary before the Local Plan examination may proceed. At the meeting of the Council on 19 July 2023, it was agreed that Catriona Riddell & Associates be appointed to provide ‘critical friend’ support to inform the options for taking the plan process forward. On 14 September 2023, the Council considered a report following the deferral in June. The Council resolved to extend the pause in the Examination timetable until the proposed changes to the NPPF have been published (expected in the Autumn) before determining the next steps and take immediate legal advice to confirm the validity of the minister's directive. The revised NPPF was published on 19 December 2023 and the Council considered its position in light of the implications on the Local Plan and whether Members wished to propose modifications as a result. At an Environment & Sustainability Committee meeting on 29 February 2024, Members agreed to the proposed modifications relating to Green Belt allocations, flood risk sites and the Staines Development Framework, which have been conveyed to the Inspector for his consideration on whether the examination will be able to resume.


Thames Water has confirmed that there are no objections.


The Council’s Spatial Planning Team has confirmed that the HSE was not consulted on the Spelthorne Pitch Playing Strategy.


The LPA has received two further letters of representation, which object to the proposals on highways and parking grounds.


An additional sentence should be added to paragraph 7.83 to read “The applicant seeks to encourage participation in football from groups with protected characteristics”.




Public Speaking:


In accordance with the Council’s procedure for speaking at meetings, Ginette Shaw spoke against the proposed development raising the following key points:


-This proposal caused disturbance to public highway


-The parking provided by the club was in a muddy grass area with no marked bays which encouraged participants to park carelessly


- Disruption to public highway lasted for many hours as the club hosted tournaments lasting all weekend


-Residents on Short Lane, Nuthatch Close and The Nightingales were affected by public highway disturbances on match days


-On match days cars often parked on blind bends which was dangerous


-Disturbance of the public highway would be heightened when more people used the club for longer hours



In accordance with the Council’s procedure for speaking at meetings, Nick bailey spoke for the proposed development raising the following key points:


-Ashford Football Club was the biggest sports facility within catchment area and would benefit from an artificial pitch


-The introduction of a 3G pitch would not increase the footfall of participants at the club


-The advice provided by the Health and Safety Executive was not convincing


-If this application was rejected it was likely the club would not survive which would be a great loss to the local community


-It was contradictory for the club to continue operating in its current location with a grass pitch and not a 3G pitch



In accordance with the Council’s procedure for speaking at meetings, Sean Beatty called in this application, and spoke as Ward Councillor on the proposed development raising the following key points:


-The HSE categorised the likelihood of a major incident as being small


-The HSE had a view of marginal refusal


-Esso had raised no objections to this application


-The probability of risk and accident arising from the neighbouring oil terminal could be avoided through preventative measures, procedures and equipment


-The material safety risk in this application was not highlighted in previous applications on this site


-The loss of this club would exacerbate already high deprivation levels in the borough and would discourage children from engaging in physical activity 





-The advice from the Health and Safety Executive was unconvincing


-There would be fewer people at the 3G pitch over a longer period of time which reduced the likelihood of risk


-Parking concerns associated with this application could be alleviated with relevant conditions


-Concerns were raised regarding light pollution resulting from the



-Local children will have no alternative football clubs to join if this application was refused and the club went out of business


-The proposals were a good opportunity for the local community


-The refusal of this application went against Spelthorne’s Planning Pitch Strategy


-Appropriate safeguarding, mitigation and training meant safety risks will be minor


-An artificial pitch was more practical than a grass pitch and will allow players to use the pitch continuously


-Unless an alternative site was offered to the club this application cannot be refused


-This application promoted health for residents in the borough




The Committee voted on the application as follows:


For: 2

Against: 9

Abstain: 3


The motion to refuse the application FELL.


The Committee adjourned at 20:31 and reconvened at 20:39.


It was proposed by Councillor Geraci and seconded by Councillor Beatty that the Local Planning Authority is minded to approve the planning application as the community benefits associated with the proposed development outweighed the increased public safety risk of a major incident at the Esso West London Oil Terminal and any harm to the Green Belt by reason of inappropriate development.



The Committee voted on the revised motion as follows:


For: 11

Against: 1

Abstain:  2


Decision: The application was overturned and the following was agreed:


The Local Planning Authority is minded to approve the planning application as the community benefits associated with the proposed development outweighs the increased public safety risk of a major incident at the Esso West London Oil Terminal and any harm to the Green Belt by reason of inappropriate development.


Information: The application will now be referred to the HSE who will be advised that this Local Planning Authority is minded to grant Planning permission against the HSE’s advice. The HSE will have 21 days from the date of notice to consider whether to request that the Secretary of State calls in the application for his own determination. If the application is not called in, delegation has been given to the Planning Officers, in consultation with the Planning Committee Chairman to agree the planning conditions and informatives.


Supporting documents: