Proposed development comprising the construction of a single storey extension at roof level consisting of 5 no. self-contained residential units (Use Class C3); including provision of car parking, cycling and associated works.
Approve the application subject to conditions as set out at Paragraph 8 of the Report.
Proposed development comprising the construction of a single storey extension at roof level consisting of 5 no. self-contained residential units (Use Class C3); including provision of car parking, cycling and associated works.
Additional Information:
Matthew Churchill, Principal Planning Officer reported on the following updates:
Revisions to paragraph 1.3 on the Council’s Local Plan 2022-2037 (amendments underlined):
The local plan was submitted to the Planning Inspectorate under Regulation 19 on 25 November 2022. An Examination into the Local Plan commenced on 23 May 2023. However, on 6 June 2023, the Council resolved the following: Spelthorne Borough Council formally requests the Planning Inspector to pause the Examination Hearings into the Local Plan for a period of three (3) months to allow time for the new council to understand and review the policies and implications of the Local Plan and after the three month pause the Council will decide what actions may be necessary before the Local Plan examination may proceed. At the meeting of the Council on 19 July 2023, it was agreed that Catriona Riddell & Associates be appointed to provide ‘critical friend’ support to inform the options for taking the plan process forward. On 14 September 2023, the Council considered a report following the deferral in June. The Council resolved to extend the pause in the Examination timetable until the proposed changes to the NPPF have been published (expected in the Autumn) before determining the next steps and take immediate legal advice to confirm the validity of the minister's directive. The revised NPPF was published on 19 December 2023 and the Council considered its position in light of the implications on the Local Plan and whether Members wished to propose modifications as a result. At an Environment & Sustainability Committee meeting on 29 February 2024, Members agreed to the proposed modifications relating to Green Belt allocations, flood risk sites and the Staines Development Framework, which have been conveyed to the Inspector for his consideration on whether the examination will be able to resume.
The Council has received further letters of representation (resulting in 43 in total submitted against the application), which in addition to the previous comments object to the proposals on the following grounds:
- The withdrawal of the Voyager Place application does not overcome parking concerns.
- Concerns over the provision of electric vehicle parking spaces.
- Concerns over noise from the balcony areas.
- There would be an adverse impact upon water and sewage.
- Concerns that the applicant has not consulted residents, (Officer note: The Local Planning Authority has sent neighbour notification letters).
Plan 1244.36.2-PA-050 Rev B, is to be removed from Condition 2.
Public Speaking:
In accordance with the Council’s procedure for speaking at meetings, Paul Coyle spoke against the proposed development raising the following key points:
-This proposal had false assertions on the current use of parking spaces and the protected turning area
-The applicant never engaged with management company to validate its understanding of the development or its challenges
-The number of adaptations to the application demonstrated the ill-thought-out plans and lack of care and attention
-The inadequate parking provisions per flat directly contravened Spelthorne’s policy
-There were already safety issues due to the volume of traffic coming into an out of the development in such a confined area
-The application posed an unacceptable risk to the safety of residents and road users caused by congestion around the development on London Road
-There was no evidence of a completed Air Quality Assessment to understand the impact of the proposal in an already congested area.
-Objections regarding the overlooking and privacy of residential properties on New Street were ignored
-The proposal made did not consider the harm to the character and appearance of the surrounding area
In accordance with the Council’s procedure for speaking at meetings, Alan Hannify spoke for the proposed development raising the following key points:
-The proposal included setbacks from existing elevations to reduce the perceived bulk of the extension which was appropriate from a townscape perspective
-The safeguarding of privacy and the mitigation of overlooking was carefully considered within the design
-The development would provide 5 new homes and help to address the need for housing in Spelthorne
-The development was supported by national and local planning policies
-The residential flats complied with requirements of the nationally described space standards
-The flats will also benefit from levels of internal daylight which exceeded requirements of the BRE Guidelines
-There was close proximity to services and amenities which justified a slight shortfall in car parking provision
-The use of sustainable transport modes was available through provision of cycle stands and access to local transport modes.
In accordance with the Council’s procedure for speaking at meetings, Adam Gale was due to speak as Ward Councillor on the proposed development however he was unable to join the meeting.
During the debate the following key issues were raised:
-The proposal did not offer affordable housing
-The number of car parking spaces was insufficient
The Committee voted on the application as follows:
For: 13
Against: 1
Abstain: 0
Decision: The application was approved.
Supporting documents: