To consider the Governance arrangements for Knowle Green Estates Ltd.
Resolved to move the exclusion of the Press and Public for the following item in view of the likely disclosure of exempt information within the meaning of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972, as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985 and by the Local Government (Access to information)
(Variation) Order 2006.
Terry Collier, Deputy Chief Executive, conveyed the apologies of Councillor A.J. Harman, as Chairman of the Board of Knowle Green Estates, who was unable to attend the meeting.
Howard Williams, Non-Executive Director of Knowle Green Estates Ltd (KGE), outlined the history of the company and why it was first established in 2016. Since the company’s formation the Council’s direction in relation to provision of housing had substantially changed and it was now envisaged that the role of KGE would be to manage most of the Council’s residential assets, managing within the next few years tenancies of 500-600 properties.
The residential portfolio would include a range of types of rental properties. It was proposed that the Council would acquire and develop suitable sites before handing these over to KGE for management. The financial arrangements for the transfer of properties were broadly outlined.
The Committee were advised that the report to be presented to Cabinet also requested that a new company, Knowle Green Estates Group, is set up with facilities for limited liability partnerships (LLP) for risk and tax management purposes.
Members were also informed that the accounts had been independently audited and were now being reviewed by the Council’s external auditors as part of the Council’s consolidated accounts.
The Committee scrutinised the report in detail and raised a number of questions. In response to these they were advised:
Mr Williams offered to report to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on the work of the company on a regular basis, as required.
Concern was expressed that there may be insufficient or no affordable housing allocated to some developments. The Committee were informed that the shareholder’s commitment to providing affordable housing was demonstrated by the fact that the first schemes have been 100% affordable as will the accommodation to be provided in the West Wing, Knowle Green. This was a key part of delivering accommodation to meet the needs of residents. It was suggested that the Council should provide an indication of the split of tenure across all developments which could then be monitored and scrutinised.
It was proposed that there should be a mission statement, issued by the Council, setting out the purpose and aims of the company as this would assist in scrutinising and measuring the success of their work.
The Committee sought further clarification on the financial arrangements relating to asset valuation and the transfer of property at cost price and considered that the wording of the plan needing further refinement and clarity.
Resolved to recommend to Cabinet:
1. That the Business Plan for the Knowle Green Estates Group is presented alongside a mission statement or that a mission statement is subsequently developed identifying the purpose and aims of the Group.
2. The Committee believes that the process of asset valuation and transfer detailed in the Business Plan for the Knowle Green Estates Group requires further clarification.
It was agreed that an update would be provided to Overview and Scrutiny Committee at their next meeting in March 2020.
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