Committee details

Environment and Sustainability Committee

Purpose of committee

The Environment and Sustainability Committee consists of at least 15 councillors reflecting political balance.

Areas of responsibility include:

·        Cemeteries

·        Climate emergency response – including carbon management, mitigation and adaptation measures

·        Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funds

·        Emergency planning

·        Environmental sustainability and biodiversity

·        Fly tipping

·        Grounds Maintenance

·        Heathrow Liaison

·        The Local Plan

·        Parking services and strategy

·        Parks, open spaces, allotments and playgrounds

·        Planning policy and Enforcement

·        Pollution control including contaminated land and air quality

·        Street cleansing

·        Transport including Electric Vehicle strategy

·        Waste strategy and management, including recycling


Contact information

Support officer: Christeen Abee. Email: