Issue - decisions

Exempt Report - White House and Harper House Managed Services

24/09/2020 - Exempt Report - White House and Harper House Managed Services

Paragraph 3 – Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)


Cabinet considered an exempt report on the tenders for the managed service provider of White House and Harper House.


Following a successful procurement exercise, a preferred bidder was identified to deliver a Managed Service at White House and Harper House which will consist of specialist housing management and intensive resident support for some of our most vulnerable homeless residents.


Alternative options considered and rejected by the Cabinet:

·         Do nothing

·         Award the tender to one of the other bidders


The Leader invited Cllr C. Bateson, as ward councillor to speak on the item. Cllr Bateson commented that there was still huge concern from residents as to how the White House would be managed. He noted the cost difference between the preferred bidder and one of the other tenders and asked whether the preferred bid would meet the Council’s needs, how the Council would monitor the performance of the provider and the provisions within the contract.


Officers responded that they were satisfied the preferred bidder had addressed the requirements in the high level specification document that formed part of the tender, in many instances exceeding those. The Council was also satisfied that the preferred bidders’ plans and ability to move clients onto settled occupation, would be met.  They confirmed that there were robust Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) within the contract and bidders were aware of these at the time they submitted a tender. The contract had also been drafted with mechanisms to monitor performance and should any be in default, the contract included termination provisions.


Resolved to:

1.    Agree to award the tender for the Managed Service Provider at White House and Harper House to the provider named in this report;


2.    Authorise the Group Head of Corporate Governance to enter into any legal documentation necessary to formalise the appointment; and


3.    Note the financial implications of the award of the tender, which will be addressed as part of annual budget setting for the 2021/22 financial years onwards.


Reasons for Decision

The provider will bring a wealth of experience and expertise to the service.

The services have been competitively tendered for and represent good value to the Council.