Issue - decisions

Pavement Licensing

28/07/2020 - Pavement Licensing Policy

Councillor A.C. Mitchell left the meeting during the discussion on this item.


The Temporary Principal Licensing Officer highlighted the main points of her report in relation to the adoption of the new Pavement Licensing Policy.


She advised the Committee of further amendments to be made to the Policy following receipt of consultation responses and as a result of Royal Assent being given to the Business and Planning Bill 2020 that afternoon.


The Committee was advised that the Business and Planning Bill 2020 had been amended to make Pavement Licensing a non-executive function which meant that the Licensing Committee now had the authority to agree the Policy and it did not need to make a recommendation to Cabinet for approval.


Resolved to:

1. approve the draft Pavement Licensing Policy for adoption; and


2. authorise the Temporary Principal Licensing Officer to make any minor and consequential amendments arising, upon the Business and Planning Bill 2020 receiving Royal Assent.