Issue - decisions

Dog Control Order

05/11/2020 - Dog Control Order - Public Space Protection Order

Cabinet considered a report proposing a new Dog Control - Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) to increase responsible dog ownership and adopt fixed penalty notices for any breaches of the PSPO.  A consultation had been carried out as required.


Options considered and rejected:

To seek an extension of the current Dog Control Order which expired on 19 October 2020.


Resolved to recommend to Council:

(a)       To make a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) relating to dog control with the listed offences set out in Appendix A to the report, in accordance with the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014.

(b)       Adopt the Fixed Penalty Notices for breaches of the Dog Control PSPO which currently stand at £100.

(c)        Delegate authority to the Group Head of Neighbourhood Services to issue Fixed Penalty Notices for breaches of the above PSPO.


Reasons for recommendation:

1.    To increase responsible dog ownership and the promotion of excellent dog care and control.

2.    To create high levels of enjoyment for all users in Spelthorne Borough’s parks and open spaces environment.

3.    To provide a safe environment for all users of Spelthorne Borough’s parks and open spaces including dog owners and their pets.