Issue - decisions

Changing to a Committee system of governance - proposed changes to the Constitution

09/04/2021 - Change to a Committee System of Governance

The Council considered a report from the Group Head of Corporate Governance on a change to a Committee System of Governance. She outlined the background to the change in governance arrangements, the proposed Committee structure, the role of the Leader and Deputy Leader and the transitional arrangements.


It was moved by Councillor H. Harvey and seconded by Councillor O. Rybinski that the Council resolves to:


1.    cease operating the existing Leader and Cabinet form of governance and implement a Committee System model of governance to take effect from the Annual Council Meeting on the 27 May 2021;


2.    adopt the transitional arrangements as set out in this report; and


3.    authorise the Group Head of Corporate Governance to make the necessary changes to those parts of the Constitution not presented in the recommendations from the Member’s Code of Conduct Committee, in respect of references to the Cabinet to the relevant Committee and from the Leader and Deputy to the Committee Chair and Vice-Chair as appropriate.


Councillor I.T.E. Harvey called for a recorded vote on the motion.


The voting was as follows:


FOR (34)

J.R. Boughtflower, M.M. Attewell, C. Barnard, C. Barratt, R.O. Barratt, C. Bateson, I.J. Beardsmore, S. Buttar, R. Chandler, J.H. Doerfel, J.T. Doran, S.M. Doran, R.D. Dunn, S.A. Dunn, T. Fidler, M. Gibson, K. Grant, A.C. Harman, H. Harvey, N. Islam, T. Lagden, V.J. Leighton, M.J. Madams, A.J. Mitchell, L.E. Nichols, R. Noble, O. Rybinski, D. Saliagopoulos, J.R. Sexton, R.W. Sider, V. Siva, R.A. Smith-Ainsley, B.B. Spoor, J. Vinson.



A. Brar, I.T.E. Harvey


The motion was carried.


Resolved to:


1.    cease operating the existing Leader and Cabinet form of governance and implement a Committee System model of governance to take effect from the Annual Council Meeting on the 27 May 2021;


2.    adopt the transitional arrangements as set out in this report; and


3.    authorise the Group Head of Corporate Governance to make the necessary changes to those parts of the Constitution not presented in the recommendations from the Member’s Code of Conduct Committee, in respect of references to the Cabinet to the relevant Committee and from the Leader and Deputy to the Committee Chair and Vice-Chair as appropriate.