Issue - decisions

Recommendation from the Members Code of Conduct Committee

09/04/2021 - Recommendation from the Members Code of Conduct Committee

The Council considered a recommendation from the Members’ Code of Conduct Committee on changes to the Constitution required to operate a Committee System of governance.


It was moved by Councillor J.R. Boughtflower and seconded by Councillor M.M. Attewell that the Council:


1.         agreesthe proposed amendments to the Constitution (as appended to the report dated 17 March 2021) for adoption with a move to a Committee system of governance; and


2.         agrees to amend Sections 13.4 and 14.2 of Part 4a Council Standing Orders from a limit of one question to two questions.


An amendment was moved by Councillor J.H. Doerfel and seconded by Councillor I.J. Beardsmore to add the following words (shown by italics) to part 1. of the Motion and to delete Part 2.


“That the Council agrees the proposed amendments to the Constitution (as appended to the report dated 17 March 2021) for adoption with a move to a Committee system of governance, with the exception of any proposed changes to the current Sections 14 and 15 of Council Standing Orders relating to public and councillor questions.”


The amendment was voted upon and carried.


Councillor N.J Gething joined the meeting.


An amendment was moved by Councillor A.J Mitchell and seconded by Councillor J.R. Boughtflower:


“That each Committee be limited in authority to grant expenditure to £1 million for any particular project without seeking approval from full Council. Any project must be taken as a whole and the project cannot be sub-divided into its constituent parts with each being authorised separately to avoid this limit set by this rule.”


The Monitoring Officer sought clarification on the wording of the amendment and advised that the appropriate place for such a rule to be included in the Constitution would be in Financial Regulations, which was not before the Council at this meeting.


Councillor Mitchell clarified that the expenditure referred to either capital or revenue. He requested that the amendment be voted upon and included in an appropriate place within the Constitution.


The amendment was voted upon and carried. The substantive motion was put to the vote.



Resolved to agree:


1.         the proposed amendments to the Constitution (as appended to the report dated 17 March 2021) for adoption with a move to a Committee system of governance, with the exception of any proposed changes to the current Sections 14 and 15 of Council Standing Orders relating to public and councillor questions; and


2.         that the following rule for the 5 Service Committees be included in an appropriate place within the Constitution:


Each Committee be limited in authority to grant expenditure to £1 million for any particular project without seeking approval from full Council. Any project must be taken as a whole and the project cannot be sub-divided into its constituent parts with each being authorised separately to avoid this limit set by this rule.