Issue - decisions

Review of Waste Services and Vehicle Procurement

05/05/2016 - Review of Waste Services and Vehicle Procurement

The Council considered the recommendation from the Cabinet on the review of the management of household waste services and the procurement of existing waste and street cleansing vehicles.


Resolved that Council approves the Capital spend of £255,000 for the purchase of waste and street cleansing vehicles and related in-cab technology.



04/05/2016 - Recommendations of the Cabinet

28/04/2016 - Review of Waste Services and Vehicle Procurement - Key Decision

Cabinet considered a report on a review of waste services and vehicle procurement.



Approve changes to the weekly collection of food waste, textiles & small waste electrical items (WEEE) from April 2017.

Authorise the Head of Streetscene to extend the leases on existing waste and street cleansing vehicles and the depot workshop, to coincide with implementation of the changes to the waste service in 2017.

Authorise the Head of Streetscene to go out to tender to lease waste and cleansing vehicles for a period of 3 and 6 years.

Authorise the Head of Streetscene to go out to tender for the capital purchase of food waste vehicles (subject to full Council approval).

Delegate the selection of the shortlist of tenderers and the selection of the contractor to the Head of Streetscene in consultation with the portfolio holder for both the lease and capital purchases.


*RESOLVED TO RECOMMEND that Council agrees the capital spend of £255k as detailed in 2.1(d) of the report.


Reason for the decision:

Cabinet noted that the lease on the depot workshop and current fleet of street cleansing and waste vehicles is due to expire in September 2016.  In preparation for this, the Waste Services Group has researched opportunities to deliver a more effective, adaptable and efficient waste collection service.