Issue - decisions

Local Walking and Cycling Infrastructure Plan (LWCIP)

20/05/2021 - Local Walking and Cycling Infrastructure Plan (LWCIP)

Cabinet considered a report on the Local Walking and Cycling Infrastructure Scheme (LWCIP).


Cabinet noted that the development of LCWIPs form part of the Department for Transports’ current investment strategy for cycling and walking to help deliver the Government’s aim of doubling cycling by 2025. LCWIPs are a new, strategic approach to identifying cycling and walking improvements required at the local level.


Cabinet further noted that the proposed LWCIP tied in to the wider Staines transport package and leisure proposals for the River Thames scheme, which includes walking and cycling routes, and that there were health and well-being benefits as well as environmental benefits.


Cabinet acknowledged that some concerns had been expressed in relation to using the Green Initiatives budget provision to fund £20k of the initial feasibility cost before the Environment and Sustainability Committee had approved the allocation criteria for use of this budget. In recognition of these concerns Cabinet proposed an amendment to the recommendation that Spelthorne’s initial £20k contribution will be funded from the Spelthorne Surrey Infrastructure Feasibility Study Reserve, which was established to help fund feasibility studies of this nature, this could subsequently be reviewed by the Environment and Sustainability Committee to consider whether they would wish to reinstate the £20k contribution. Cabinet noted that, additionally, £40k will be funded by Surrey County Council.


Alternative options considered and rejected by the Cabinet:

Not to participate in the feasibility study. It was acknowledged that all other Councils across Surrey are being programmed into LWCIPs in phases, and if Cabinet did not agree to participate there was a risk Spelthorne would be put in a later phase and the opportunity of linking in with the River Thames scheme would be lost.


Resolved to:

a)    agree to participating in the production of a Local Walking and Cycling Infrastructure Plan;


b)    agree the allocation of the available funds:

·         £20,000 towards Phase 1 of the feasibility study to be funded from the Spelthorne Surrey Infrastructure Feasibility Study Reserve (which was established to help fund feasibility studies of this nature). This can be subsequently reviewed by the Environment and Sustainability Committee to consider whether they would wish to reinstate the £20k contribution.

·         £175,000 towards the production of an LWCIP for Phase 2 to be funded from Spelthorne’s Surrey Infrastructure Feasibility Study Fund but as we transition to the Committee system this project may form part of the Green Initiatives Fund work.


c)    note that in order to deliver the LWCIP future capital funds would be required over the next 5 to 10 years from the Council (match funding). The actual amounts will depend on the scale and number of schemes identified by the feasibility study and until the initial work is complete the overall potential cost can only be indicative.


Reasons for decision:

LWCIP’s are blueprints to increase walking and cycling routes. They have benefits in terms of modal shift, health and well-being of residents, especially as the Council move into COVID-19 recovery and beyond, and reducing the impacts of climate change.