Issue - decisions

Revenue Monitoring Report Q3 (Oct-Dec 2021)

30/03/2022 - Revenue Monitoring Report Q3 (Oct-Dec 2021)

The Committee considered a report from the Deputy Chief Accountant, Anna Russell that sought to outline the draft forecast outturn for 2021/22 as at 31 December 2021 and the aggregate variances by cost centre.


The report was presented by the Deputy Chief Executive, Terry Collier.


Concerns were raised by the Committee about how the cost of living rise may impact on the residents of the Borough. Terry advised the Committee that the longer term economic impacts of the pandemic were not yet fully felt and that this is merging with broader cost of living pressures but that this would be monitored closely. It was likely that the figures for Q1 2022/23 would reflect the impact of the cost of living increases and movements in the number of residents in receipt of Housing Benefit.


The Committee resolved to note the report.