Issue - decisions

Capital Monitoring Report (Qtr 1 April-June)

16/11/2022 - Quarter 1 Capital Monitoring Report

The Committee received a capital monitoring reported related to the Administrative Committee for quarter one of the financial year from the Chief Accountant. The report was presented alongside the overarching Capital Monitoring report presented to the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee which provided context for the Committee’s capital expenditure. He explained the largest underspend for the year related to savings made by IT.


The Committee requested clarification on a figure presented in the overarching report presented to Corporate Policy and Resources Committee related to delays in developments as a different figure had been presented to a recent committee. The Chief Accountant advised that the report related to figures as at 30 June 2022 and figures have since been updated.


The Committee resolved to note the £0.17m projected underspend on capital expenditure against its Capital Programme provision as at 30 June 2022.