Issue - decisions

Telecare and Span funding

23/06/2017 - Telecare and SPAN funding

Cabinet considered a report on funding arrangements for Telecare and the Spelthorne Personal Alarm Network (SPAN).


The report explained the key changes between the previous agreement and new funding agreements with Surrey County Council.


Alternative options considered and rejected by the Cabinet:


12 week free trial

·         Reduce the 12 week free trial to 6 weeks;

·         No change to current free trial service.



·         Cease to provide telecare equipment;

·         Continue to provide telecare equipment with no charge to the client.


Resolved to:

1.    Agree 12 week free alarm service following an overnight hospital stay in the last 4 weeks;

2.    Agree to use the money set aside from the Council Tax increase 2016-17 which was ring fenced for Independent Living services to support the telecare service (likely to be in the region of £34,518);

3.    Delegate authority to agree telecare pricing structure to the Group Heads for Community Wellbeing in consultation with the Portfolio Holder.


Reason for the decision:

To allow the alarm and telecare service provided by Spelthorne to consider future charging options.