Issue - decisions

Interim arrangements following the retirement of the Chief Executive

25/07/2017 - Interim arrangements following the retirement of the Chief Executive

The Council considered the recommendations from the Head of Corporate Governance on the interim arrangements for the Council following the retirement of the Chief Executive.


It was moved by Councillor I.T. Harvey and seconded by Councillor A.C. Harman and


Resolved to:

a)    Note the anticipated timelines for the recruitment of the full-time Chief Executive / Head of the Paid Service.

b)    Appoint Terry Collier and Lee O’Neil as Joint Acting Chief Executives with effect from 8 September 2017 until a new full-time Chief Executive is in post.

c)    Appoint Lee O’Neil as Acting Head of Paid Service with effect from 8 September 2017 until a new full-time Chief Executive is in post.

d)    Appoint Michael Graham as Interim Electoral Registration Officer / Interim Returning Officer with effect from 8 September 2017 until a new full-time Chief Executive is in post.

e)    Delegate authority to the Leader to make any consequential pay decisions in relation to the temporary arrangements described in the report.