This Item was an application for Prior Approval for the Change of Use from Office (Class B1a) to 33 Residential Flats (Class C3) comprising 14 no. 1 bedroom flats and 19 no. 2 bedroom flats.
Additional Information:
The Planning Development Manager reported the following:
One late letter of representation had been received. Issues raised included:-
a) The proposal represents a new 24 hour operation.
b) Over-looking, increased noise and other distractions.
c) Traffic impact on the surrounding road network.
d) Impact on community infrastructure (schools, medical services etc.)
Paragraph 3.3 (page 15) should be amended as follows:
“The building
would provide 3 33 units over three
Public Speaking:
There were no Public Speakers for this item.
During the debate the following key issues were raised:
The application was approved as per the recommendation in the Officer’s report.