Issue - decisions

Appointment of Independent Persons

10/05/2019 - Appointment of Independent Persons

The Council considered the report of the Monitoring Officer on the Appointment of Independent Persons 2019-2023 under the Localism Act 2011.


Following a joint arrangements process with six other Surrey Borough and District Councils, a panel of participating councils’ monitoring officers interviewed new applicants. The current Independent Persons were invited to apply for re-appointment and submit updated CV’s, although it was agreed that they did not need to be interviewed.


The interview panel found that all new candidates demonstrated well-developed skills of independence, analysis, and fair dealing and commended all of them for appointment by the participating councils.


Resolved to approve:

(a)  the re-appointment of:

·         Vivienne Cameron

·         Roger Pett


(b)  the appointment of:

·         Bernard Quoroll

·         Bill Donnelly

·         Paul Eaves

·         Liz Lawrence

·         John Smith


as Independent Persons for a four year term of office expiring in May 2023.


It was noted that 21 councillors voted in favour of the appointments, in accordance with the requirement that the appointment of Independent Persons must be approved by a majority of the members of the authority.