Issue - decisions

Election of the Deputy Mayor

09/07/2020 - Election of the Deputy Mayor

It was moved by Councillor M. Gibson and seconded by Councillor J. Boughtflower that Councillor Tony Harman be appointed Deputy Mayor for the Municipal Year 2020-21.


Councillor H. Harvey proposed that Councillor I.J. Beardsmore be appointed Deputy Mayor for the Municipal Year 2020-21. The nomination was seconded by Councillor S. Dunn.


Resolved that Councillor Tony Harman be appointed Deputy Mayor for the Municipal Year 2020-21.


Councillor Tony Harman made the Declaration of Acceptance of Office as Deputy Mayor of the Borough of Spelthorne and announced that his wife Daphne Harman would be the Deputy Mayoress.


The Deputy Mayor, Councillor Tony Harman, briefly addressed the Council and thanked his proposer and seconder for their support.  He said it was a great honour to be elected as Deputy Mayor and looked forward to supporting the Mayor in his Mayoral year.