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Decisions published

08/04/2020 - Exempt report - Acquisition Z ref: 952    Recommendations Approved

To consider the acquisition of a property.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 08/04/2020 - Cabinet

Decision published: 08/04/2020

Effective from: 18/04/2020


[Paragraph 3 – information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)]


Cabinet considered an exempt report on the acquisition of property ‘Z’.



Alternative options considered and rejected by Cabinet:

Not to proceed with the purchase.


Resolved to:


1)    agree to purchase Property Acquisition Z;


2)    agree a sub-sale of the property to Knowle Green Estates Limited;


3)    approve the funding of Knowle Green Estates Limited to facilitate acquisition of the property; and


4)    formally approve the terms and conditions agreed and authorise the Chief Executive (in consultation with the Chief Finance Office, the Leader and the Cabinet Member for Finance) to agree any further additional terms as purchaser of the property and subsequent funder to enable Knowle Green Estates Limited to proceed with its acquisition of the property.


Reason for Decision

To facilitate the acquisition of 43 new affordable apartments with 27 car parking spaces.

Lead officer: Nick Cummings

08/04/2020 - Exempt Item - Tender report on Staines Development - Key Decision ref: 951    Recommendations Approved

To consider the tenders for a development in Staines-upon-Thames.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 08/04/2020 - Cabinet

Decision published: 08/04/2020

Effective from: 18/04/2020


[Paragraph 3 – information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)]


Cabinet considered an exempt report on tenders submitted for a development in Staines-upon-Thames.


The report detailed the Council’s vision for the site, the brief provided to bidders to meet the Council’s objectives for the project, the procurement process and the evaluation exercise which had led to the recommendation.


Alternative options considered and rejected by Cabinet:

Not to proceed with the tender process.


Resolved to:

1)    award the tender and grant a long lease of the site in Staines-upon-Thames to Bidder B and

2)    authorise the Group Head of Corporate Governance to finalise the terms and enter into all legal documents required for the transaction.


Reason for decision

The recommendation is based on the outcome of a full (Competitive Dialogue) procurement process to identify a Preferred Bidder for the development of the site.

Bidder B submitted the most economically advantageous offer for the development


Lead officer: Richard Mortimer