Title | Notice published | Urgent? | Status | Decision due |
MTFP | 08/02/2024 | For Determination | 10/02/2025 | |
Capital Programme | 08/02/2024 | For Determination | 27/02/2025 | |
Reserves Strategy | 08/02/2024 | For Determination | 09/12/2024 | |
Detailed Budget Treasury Management Strategy | 08/02/2024 | For Determination | 27/02/2025 | |
Treasury Management Draft Strategy 2025-26 | 08/02/2024 | For Determination | 20/01/2025 | |
Treasury Management Strategy Mid-Year Review | 08/02/2024 | For Determination | 20/01/2025 | |
Corporate Policy and Resources Budget, Fees and Charges, Capital and Savings Plan | 08/02/2024 | For Determination | 20/01/2025 | |
Discretionary Rate Relief Policy | 15/11/2023 | For Determination | 20/01/2025 | |
Calendar of Meetings 2024/25 | 30/08/2023 | Recommmend Forward to Council | 25/04/2024 |