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Arnold, Councillor Michelle Arnold
Attewell, Councillor Maureen Attewell
Baldock, Councillor Elizabeth Baldock
Bateson, Councillor Chris Bateson
Beatty, Councillor Sean Beatty
Beecher, Councillor Malcolm Beecher
Bhadye, Councillor Simon Bhadye
Bing Dong, Councillor Mary Bing Dong
Boparai, Councillor Harry Boparai
Boughtflower, Councillor John Boughtflower
Brennan, Councillor Lisa Brennan
Buck, Councillor Med Buck
Burrell, Councillor Tony Burrell
Button, Councillor Jon Button
Caplin, Councillor Jolyon Caplin
Chandler, Councillor Rose Chandler
Clarke, Councillor Darren Clarke
Doran, Councillor John Doran
Doran, Councillor Sue Doran
Dunn, Councillor Sandra Dunn
Gale, Councillor Adam Gale
Geach, Councillor Rebecca Geach
Geraci, Councillor Daniel Geraci
Gibson, Councillor Michele Gibson
Grant, Councillor Kathy Grant
Gyawali, Councillor Suraj Gyawali
Howkins, Councillor Karen Howkins
Islam, Councillor Naz Islam
Lee, Councillor Matthew Lee
Mathur, Councillor Anant Mathur
Mooney, Councillor Sinead Mooney
Nichols, Councillor Lawrence Nichols
Rutherford, Councillor Katherine Rutherford
Rybinski, Councillor Olivia Rybinski
Saliagopoulos, Councillor Denise Saliagopoulos
Sexton, Councillor Joanne Sexton
Turner, Councillor John Turner
Weerasinghe, Councillor Buddhi Weerasinghe
Williams, Councillor Howard Williams
Woodward, Councillor Paul Woodward
Registered training
10/07/2024 - Planning - Development Viability
03/04/2024 - Planning Code Training offered by Esme Spinks, Planning Development Manager and Kamil Dolebski, Senior Solicitor
06/03/2024 - County Planning Training- Minerals, Waste and Regulation 3 applications offered by Sian Saadeh, Planning Development Manager, Surrey County Council
28/02/2024 - Social Media Training offered by Petra Der Man
Introduction to River Thames Scheme offered by Surrey County Council