Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Knowle Green, Staines-upon-Thames TW18 1XB
Contact: Christeen Abee Email:
No. | Item |
Disclosures of Interest To receive any disclosures of interest from councillors in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct for members. Minutes: There were none. |
Draft Air Quality Action Plan Committee is asked to consider:
1.Approval of the progression of the draft Air Quality Action Plan to submission to Defra for review
2.Approval of the progression of the draft Air Quality Action Plan to undergo public consultation. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered a report from the Principal Pollution Control Officer regarding the submission of a Draft Air Quality Action Plan to DEFRA. The Council was required to submit a draft plan for comment by 1 May, and a public consultation on the plan would be undertaken. Following consultation, the plan would be amended and submitted to the Committee and DEFRA for final approval. An Air Quality Consultant (Technical Director), and Transport Strategy Manager from Surrey County Council were also in attendance to provide information on their input into the draft action plan.
The Committee noted the public consultation would take place online and in local community spaces and encouraged further engagement with the public to respond. The Committee acknowledged that despite having an action plan, much of the impact on air quality was down to individual behaviour. Various ideas were suggested regarding community engagement, particularly with schools, to address what could be personally done to improve air quality. The Committee were cautioned about the direct use of air quality data as it fluctuated according to conditions, and most health effects were due to long-term exposure.
The Committee noted various initiatives and proposals in place by the Council and other stakeholders to assist in reducing vehicle emissions and encourage active travel. The Principal Pollution Control Officer explained the level of collaboration between the Council and various stakeholders, especially those in the education and the health sectors, to address air quality in the borough.
Councillor Islam arrived at 19:28.
The Committee noted the actions set out in the report and queried how they would be monitored. The Principal Pollution Control Officer confirmed that progress on the actions would be scrutinised annually by DEFRA and progress reports to the Committee could be considered.
The Committee resolved to:
1. Approve the progression of the draft Air Quality Action Plan for submission to Defra for review; and 2. Approve the progression of the draft Air quality Action Plan to undergo Public Consultation.
Meeting ended 20:05 |