Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Knowle Green, Staines-upon-Thames TW18 1XB
Contact: Chris Curtis Email:
Link: Members of the public may hear the proceedings by tuning into the Council's YouTube channel
No. | Item |
To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the Environmental and Sustainability Committee meetings held on 3 and 9 November 2021.
Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the Extraordinary meeting held on 3 November 2021 and the minutes of the meeting held on 9 November 2021 were agreed as a correct record.
Disclosures of Interest To receive any disclosures of interest from councillors in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct for members. Minutes: There were none.
Questions from members of the Public The Chair, or his nominee, to answer any questions raised by members of the public in accordance with Standing Order 40.
Note: the deadline for questions to be considered at this meeting is 5pm on Tuesday, 11 January 2022.
At the time of publication of this agenda no questions had been received.
Minutes: There were none.
Ward Issues To consider any issues raised by ward councillors in accordance with Standing Order 34.2
Note: the deadline for ward issues to be notified for consideration at this meeting is 12 noon on Tuesday 11 January 2022.
At the time of publication of this agenda no ward issues were received.
Minutes: There were none.
Briefing on Surrey 2050 Place Ambition from Surrey County Council officers To receive a presentation from Surrey County Council officers on the Surrey 2050 Place Ambition which is currently open for consultation. Relevant documents are attached.
Additional documents:
Minutes: Sue Janota, Spatial Planning and Policy Manager from Surrey County Council, gave a presentation to the Committee setting out the history, background detail, and involvement of representatives from county, borough and district authorities, and business leaders in forming this initiative to provide a strong coherent voice on a number of areas to promote good sustainable economic growth, improve business opportunities and bid for large infrastructure projects across the county.
This had led to the setting up of a Place Ambition Task Group to take the work forward. As part of the work, strategic priorities were agreed and eight strategic opportunity areas identified as areas to support long term prosperity. The Strategic Opportunity Area (SOA) most relevant to Spelthorne was the Longcross – Staines – Heathrow Corridor.
Following Covid-19 it was decided to review and refresh the strategy to reflect post-pandemic challenges and prepare an implementation framework. The updated version identified four strategic priorities:
· Improve connectivity both within Surrey and between strategically important hubs · Enhance the place offer of Surrey’s towns · Maximise the potential of our Strategic Opportunity Areas · Invest in natural capital and deliver nature recovery
A detailed implementation framework had been prepared setting out how it was proposed to deliver the priorities. A consultation was open until Friday 4 March and responses were welcomed from all. Following that the task group would reconvene, consider the results and what adjustments should be made before the District and Borough authorities were asked to endorse the proposals.
Work on this strategy had been taking place for some time and work was well underway in other areas of the county. Surprise and concern was expressed by Spelthorne councillors that they had not been informed of this initiative before. The Group Head for Regeneration and Growth explained that under the Council’s previous Strong Leader and Cabinet governance arrangements, updates and briefings would have been provided to the Leader and relevant Cabinet portfolio holder at that time but could not recall that the issue had been brought to Cabinet during that time. The strategy had evolved over a number of years, however the leadership and direction of the Council had significantly changed over that period so it was considered appropriate that it was brought to the Committee for consideration. The Group Head for Regeneration and Growth acknowledged the concern of members and apologised that they had not been informed previously.
In response to a request from a Committee member, the Group Head for Regeneration and Growth offered to provide details of the relevant past meetings held about this matter and who had attended on behalf of Spelthorne Borough Council. The information has been attached to the minutes of this meeting.
A communications message was to be published to notify councillors and residents of the consultation and encourage responses to the proposals.
Reassurance was sought that the strategy was relevant to other areas in Spelthorne and not just Staines. Members were advised that Staines had been identified in relation to the Strategic Opportunity Area relating to ... view the full minutes text for item 5/22 |
Capital Bids 2022/23 (part of annual budget process) To consider and review the capital bids received.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Chief Accountant presented the three capital bids for 2022/23 to the Committee for their consideration.
In response to questions from the Committee the Group Head of Neighbourhood Services provided the following information:
New Wheelie Bins The Council had a duty to replace any bins that had been crushed, broken or stolen. Bins were also required for new developments in the borough, although a charge was made for these.
The bins were high quality and therefore more expensive than some available but were considered a good choice as they had a long lifespan. They were bought in bulk through the Council’s procurement framework.
Food Waste Vehicle: A replacement food waste collection vehicle was required to replace one written off following a traffic accident. The loss adjusters had recently advised that the value of that vehicle had been assessed as £40,000. The Committee was advised that the capital bid had to be submitted as £80,000, the cost of the replacement vehicle for accounting purposes.
River Ash Boardwalk The Committee was advised that when the Bronzefield site was built, funds were allocated specifically to the Bronzefield Reserves for environmental enhancements to the area and could not be used for any other purpose. It was proposed that a boardwalk was installed for the part of the circular path alongside the river in that area that was subject to high levels of flooding to make it accessible to residents all year round.
The Committee resolved that the three capital bids as presented should be rated green (to commence in 2022/23) for recommendation to the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee.
Revenue Growth and Savings Bids 2022/23 (part of annual budget process) To consider and categorise growth and savings bids as part of the budget setting process for 2022/23.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Chief Accountant presented the Revenue growth and savings bids to the Committee for their consideration.
A number of questions were asked about the growth and savings bids. One Committee member requested that the wording of the growth bid for councillor training was reworded.
The Committee resolved to agree all the growth and savings bids as proposed for recommendation to the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee.
Committee Review of Fees and Charges for Service Areas 2022/23 (part of annual budget process) To review fees and charges for the financial year 2022/23. Additional documents: Minutes: The Chief Accountant presented his report to the Committee.
The Committee resolved to agree the Fees and Charges as proposed for recommendation to the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee.
Verbal update on request for site investigation of land to rear of Thames Side To receive and note a verbal update on progress made following the request for a site investigation of land to the rear of Thames Side.
Minutes: Claire Lucas, Principal Air Pollution Officer, gave a verbal update on further investigative work undertaken to ascertain if there was sufficient evidence to request a site investigation of the land and which body had jurisdiction for this.
The Committee was advised that:
· The Freedom of Information request (FOI) submitted to the Ministry of Defence (MOD) was considered too broad and they had suggested a more refined approach. A further request had been made for a five year period based on the BBC article and other information available and the MOD response was awaited. · Officers had spent a significant amount of time reviewing data received in relation to the site permit to the north of the M3 and requested follow up information. · A request had been made to Esso requesting any relevant data they may have for that area in relation to the pipeline site investigation works carried out for the Southampton to London pipeline. They were not subject to Freedom of Information (FOI) requests and it was hoped they may respond on a voluntary basis, however no response has been received to date. · The Environmental Health team had looked into the possibility of monitoring techniques for flooding events for ground gases but concluded this was not possible as there were so many variables to consider, including types of gases, the configuration of premises and how the premises were ventilated. · Legal advice was expected later this month. A report was to be prepared for the next Committee meeting in March 2022.
The Committee resolved to note the verbal update.
Bonfires and Anti-Bonfire Campaign To receive and note an update on the digital campaign and review of the Council’s stance and processes on bonfires.
Minutes: The Committee considered a report setting out the action taken to promote awareness of the hazards posed by bonfires both to people’s health and the environment. As it was not possible to ban bonfires, a campaign to discourage residents and businesses from having bonfires was launched using the following approaches:
· An article in the borough Bulletin which explained the risks of bonfires, suggested alternative means of properly disposing of waste, and provided information on how to report bonfires · A social media campaign using strong graphics to promote the anti-bonfire message · A revision of the Council’s bonfire and smoke webpage to give a stronger anti-bonfire message.
The Senior Environmental Health Manager advised that the number of complaints had increased significantly over the Covid period and it would be necessary to see whether these continued at the same level or reduced. It was agreed to share any meaningful statistics obtained with the Committee.
Alternative options considered and rejected: None.
Resolved: To note the anti-bonfire campaign currently running.
Reason for decision: The anti-bonfire campaign has a direct positive impact on climate change since a reduction in bonfires will directly lead to a reduction in carbon dioxide being released into the atmosphere.
Bidding Process for Green Initiatives Fund To consider the proposed bidding process for projects requesting funds from the Green Initiatives Fund.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered a report setting out a proposed bidding process for projects requesting funds from the Green Initiatives Fund. The process had been based upon a similar approach for grants funding applications.
The Committee was advised that some adjustments may be required once the bidding process was underway as bids were likely to be submitted for internal and external projects.
Alternative options considered and rejected: Not to put a bidding process in place which could result in funding for projects which do not fully deliver on the Council’s climate change objectives.
Resolved: To note and agree the proposed bidding process for projects requesting funds from the Green Initiatives Fund.
Reasons for Decision: The Green Initiatives Fund will support projects aiming to reduce the impact of climate change in the Borough. A fair means of assessing individual projects proposed by the Council or outside organisations is required to ensure appropriate use of the funding.
Adverse Weather Plan and Community Sandbag Distribution Centre Plan Sign-Off To consider and note the Adverse Weather Plan and Community Sandbag Distribution Centre Operational Plan.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered a report which set out the Council’s Adverse Weather Plan and Community Sandbag Distribution Policy, following the review and updating of both documents. The report highlighted key updates to both plans which included clarity on roles and responsibilities
It was agreed that the Group Head for Commissioning and Transformation would contact those members who had suggested that some amendments or clarification may be necessary to the policy to address these.
Alternative options considered and rejected: None
Resolved: To note the report and associated Adverse Weather Plan and Community Sandbag Distribution Policy.
Reason for Decision: To ensure the Council has up to date plans to respond to adverse weather with clarity on roles and responsibilities.
Recovery Action Plan - E&S To note the elements of the Corporate Recovery Action Plan relevant to this Committee.
Minutes: It was resolved to note the Recovery Action Plan items relevant to this Committee.
Updates from Task and Finish and/or Working Groups To receive updates from the following Task and Finish or Working Groups:
· Local Plan Task Group – update attached · Staines Development Task Group – update attached · CIL Task Group – update attached · Climate Change Working Group – to follow
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee resolved to note the updates provided from the task and working groups.
A copy of the Environmental & Sustainability Committee Forward Plan is attached.
Minutes: The Committee resolved to note the forward plan.
Urgent business To consider any business deemed as urgent by the Chair. Minutes: There was none.