Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Knowle Green, Staines-upon-Thames TW18 1XB
Contact: Karen Wyeth Email:
Link: Members of the public may hear the proceedings by tuning into the Council's YouTube channel
No. | Item |
To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the Environmental and Sustainability Committee meetings held on 8 March 2022, and the Extraordinary meetings held on 26 April and 10 May 2022.
Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the Environmental and Sustainability Committee meetings held on 8 March 2022, and the Extraordinary meetings held on 26 April and 10 May 2022 were approved as correct records of the proceedings.
Disclosures of Interest To receive any disclosures of interest from councillors in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct for members. Minutes: There were none. |
Questions from members of the Public The Chair, or his nominee, to answer any questions raised by members of the public in accordance with Standing Order 40.
At the time of publication of this agenda no questions were received.
Minutes: There were no questions from the public. |
Ward Issues To consider any issues raised by ward councillors in accordance with Standing Order 34.2
At the time of publication of this agenda no ward issues were received.
Minutes: There were no ward issues for this meeting. |
Ultra-low Emissions Zone for London The Committee is asked to approve the recommendations outlined in the report. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered a report presented by the Principal Pollution Officer.
The Principal Pollution Officer advised the Committee that only cars registered before January 2006 and all diesel vehicles would be liable to pay the low emissions charge when entering the Ultra-low Emissions Zone.
The Committee were advised that the following additional information had been added to the report since the agenda had been published following a meeting with Surrey County Council who are a key stakeholder as the Transport Authority:
‘The enforcement strategy should include mobile enforcement cameras to ensure that a measure is in place to combat avoidance of fixed enforcement cameras. This would help to reduce the risk of non-complaint vehicles routing around the fixed camera locations onto minor roads. There should be a mechanism by which neighbouring authorities to the zone can report perceived changes in traffic behaviour. To track changes in traffic behaviour TfL could undertake pre ULEZ traffic counts, such as tube counts which would help to provide baseline and post implementation counts, to quantify the impacts of the extended zone.
Signage should be located well in advance of the ULEZ border. Signage from the south for the existing LEZ begins as far south at Guildford. There would be an expectation for a commitment to a similar warning distance, so that drivers who are not familiar with the strategic road network approaching London do not find themselves in a position where they need to exit the A316/M3 at Sunbury Cross. Consideration should be given to measures to ensure that the extended ULEZ is accurately mapped by satellite navigation devices, which would help to reduce turn around journeys and re-routing to the exempt M25’.
The Committee expressed their concerns about this the expansion of the Ultra-Low Emission Zone would impact on the residents within the Borough, especially within the more deprived areas and in light of the current increase in cost of living.
Concerns were also expressed about the impact that any expansion of the zone may have on small businesses’ costs if they had to travel across the Spelthorne border to deliver or pick up goods. If was felt that there might be an increase in parking in and around train and bus stations as people make use of public transport to avoid driving in the new extended zone. This would have an adverse effect on local residents and may even make the air quality in some areas worse due to increased traffic.
How many vehicles that would be affected by the charge was unknown and the Committee asked if these figures could be provided to get a better understanding of how many would be subject to the low emission charge.
The Committee asked the Principal Pollution Control Officer to write to the Department of Transport to lobby them for Spelthorne to be included in rail Zone 6 with the Oyster Card.
The Committee felt that the draft response was not robust enough and additional information was needed to strongly outline the Council’s concerns ... view the full minutes text for item 49/22 |
Grant Funding Arrangements for Purchase of Electric Taxis The Committee are asked to approve the recommendations as outlined in the report. Minutes: The Committee considered a report from the Principal Pollution Control Officer, that sought approval of an amended project scheme.
The Committee asked that the Equality and Diversity (point 8.2) of the report be amended from:
‘Vehicles may be adapted to accommodate the requirements of specially abled passengers’ to ‘ Vehicles may be specially adapted to accommodation the requirement of disabled passengers’.
Claire advised the Committee that there had been a positive reaction to the scheme from local taxi drivers.
The Committee resolved to:
1. grant approval for an amended project scheme to provide a contribution towards the purchase of Hackney Carriages and private hire vehicles as referred to in the report,
2. delegate authority to the Group Head for Commissioning and Transformation to complete negotiations with the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) with a view to the amended Council project being approved,
3. delegate authority to approve an amended grant agreement with DEFRA to the Monitoring Officer and Group Head of Commissioning and Transformation in consultation with the Chair of the Environment and Sustainability Committee; and
4. authorise the Group Head of Corporate Governance to enter into appropriate agreements with bid partners and third parties required to deliver the amended project.
Electric Vehicle Charging Update Report This item is to note the proposed locations of the Electric Vehicle Charging Points within Spelthorne as approved by Surrey County Council. Minutes: The Group Head of Commissioning & Transformation gave the Committee a verbal update on Surrey County Council’s proposed electric vehicle charging points infrastructure within Spelthorne Borough.
The Committee queried a proposed consultation and advertising of the proposed points by Surrey County Council. The Group Head of Commissioning & Transformation advised the Committee that she would contact Surrey County Council and report back to the Committee with the details.
The Committee resolved to note the update. |
Recovery Action Plan To note the Recovery Action Plan.
Minutes: The Group Head of Commissioning and Transformation gave a verbal update on the recovery action plan.
The Committee resolved to note the update. |
Updates from Task and Finish and/or Working Groups To receive written or verbal updates from the following Task and Finish/Working Groups:
The Local Plan Task Group – verbal update from Ann Biggs, Strategic Planning Officer
CIL Update – written update attached Minutes: The Committee received a written update on the Strategic CIL Task Group (CIL).
The Committee queried who were able to access CIL papers. Councillor Fidler who is a member of CIL advised that they were currently only available to members of the Task Group but that he would raise this at the next CIL meeting.
The Strategic Planning Manager gave a verbal update on the Local Plan Task Group. No meeting of the Task Group had taken place but the Committee were updated on the consultation that was currently being undertaken. The Committee were advised that leaflets had been delivered to all households within Spelthorne advising them of the public consultation and how to take part. Information was also included in the Council’s Bulletin that was being delivered to households throughout the Borough. The Strategic Planning Team had attended the market in Staines High Street to engage with the public in respect of the consultation as well as having a presence at the Staines-upon-Thames day and the forthcoming Sunbury Regatta.
The Committee resolved to note the update |
A copy of the Environmental & Sustainability Committee Forward Plan is attached.
Minutes: The Committee considered the Forward Plan for the business of the Committee and asked that the following 2 items be added to it:
An update on the Electric Vehicle Tax Project Rivers and Waterways
The Committee resolved to note the Forward Plan.