Agenda and decisions

Environment and Sustainability Committee - Tuesday, 17 September 2024 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Knowle Green, Staines-upon-Thames TW18 1XB

Contact: Christeen Abee  Email:

Link: Members of the public may hear the proceedings by tuning into the Council's YouTube channel


No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 224 KB

To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the Environment and Sustainability Committee meeting held on 18 June 2024.



Disclosures of Interest

To receive any disclosures of interest from councillors in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct for members.


Questions from members of the Public

The Chair, or their nominee, to answer any questions raised by members of the public in accordance with Standing Order 40.


At the time of publication of this agenda no questions were received.


Refurbishment of the Lammas Play Area pdf icon PDF 447 KB

To consider:

1)    Authorising the Group Head of Neighbourhood Services to commence a tender for the procurement of play area equipment

2)    Delegating authority to the Group Head Neighbourhood Services to appoint the chosen supplier/s

3)    Authorising the Group Head of Corporate Governance to enter the contract with the selected supplier


The Committee resolved to

1)    Authorise the Group Head of Neighbourhood Services to commence a tender for the procurement of play area equipment;

2)    Delegate authority to the Group Head Neighbourhood Services to appoint the chosen supplier/s;

3)    Authorise the Group Head of Corporate Governance to enter the contract with the selected supplier.


National Planning Policy Framework Consultation Response pdf icon PDF 347 KB

To consider approval of the submission of Spelthorne Borough Council’s response to the Government’s open consultation of changes to the National Planning Policy Framework and the planning system.

Additional documents:


The Committee resolved to

1)    Approve the submission of Spelthorne Borough Council’s response to the Government’s open consultation of changes to the National Planning Policy Framework and the planning system;

2)    Give delegated authority to the Group Head Place Protection and Prosperity in consultation with the Chair of the Environment & Sustainability Committee to make any final amendments to the consultation response before it is submitted.


Green Initiatives Fund Bid - Electric Vehicle Charging pdf icon PDF 427 KB

To consider a request for funding from the Green Initiatives Fund towards funding for electric vehicle charging.

Additional documents:


The Committee resolved to

1)    Authorise funding of £7,787.38 from the Green Initiatives Fund to offset the already spent cost of the provision sufficient electric vehicle charging.


Green Initiatives Fund Bid - Carbon Literacy Accreditation pdf icon PDF 355 KB

To consider a request for funding from the Green Initiatives Fund towards the application for Carbon Literacy Accreditation.

Additional documents:


The  Committee resolved to:

1)    Approve the bid for funding of £2,500 from the Green Initiatives Fund towards the application for Carbon Literacy Accreditation.


Climate Change Strategy Progress Update pdf icon PDF 438 KB

To consider:

1)    Agreeing the publication of the Climate Change Strategy Progress Report

2)    Approving the changes to the Climate Change Strategy Action Plan

Additional documents:


The Committee resolved to

1)    Agree to the publication of the Climate Change Strategy Progress Report, and

2)    Approve the changes to the Climate Change Strategy Action Plan.


Strategic Priorities for 2024/2025 pdf icon PDF 594 KB

To note the Committee’s strategic priorities for 2024/2025.


Appointment of Environment and Sustainability Committee Chair to the Design Code Task Group

To consider the appointment of the Chair of the Environment and Sustainability Committee to the Design Code Task Group.


The Committee resolved to amend the membership o the Design Code Task Group to include the Chair of the Environment and Sustainability Committee.


Updates from Task and Finish and/or Working Groups pdf icon PDF 233 KB

To receive an update on the following task and finish and/or working groups:


Community Infrastructure Levy Task Groups – written update


Climate Change Working Group – verbal update


Spelthorne Design Code Task Group – verbal update


Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 46 KB

A copy of the Environment & Sustainability Committee Forward Plan is attached.