The Standards Committee is made up of 9 councillors and two independent non-voting members who sit as the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Committee.
The Committee meets three times a year to undertake the following matters on behalf of the Council:
· to keep an overview on the arrangements for dealing with complaints under the code of conduct, making alterations and publishing them where it considers necessary;
· to devise such further protocols and procedures as are necessary for the efficient management of complaints which have to be considered by a hearings panel;
· to consult with the Independent Person on any matters which have broad implications for the promotion of high standards by the Council;
· to make recommendations to Council on standing orders for the registration and declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests and other interests; and,
· to make recommendations to Council on any revisions to the Members’ Code of Conduct and the registration of interests.
· to promote, manage and agree a programme of member development.
Prior to 27 May 2021 the Standards Committee was known as the Members Code of Conduct Committee. The details of this Committee can be found here.
Support officer: Karen Wyeth. Email:
Postal address:
Council Offices
Knowle Green
TW18 1XB
Phone: 01784 446224