Agenda and minutes

Annual Council, Council - Thursday, 26 May 2022 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber. Council Offices, Knowle Green, Staines-upon-Thames TW18 1XB

Contact: Gary Lelliott  Email:

Link: Members of the public may hear the proceedings by tuning into the Council's YouTube channel

No. Item


Election of the Mayor

(a)  To elect the Mayor of the Borough for the Municipal Year 2022-23

(b)  The Mayor to make the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.



The retiring Mayor, Councillor ITE Harvey, welcomed all members and guests to the Annual Meeting of the Council and invited Father S. King to say a word of prayer.


The Mayor gave a thank you speech as follows:


“It was a great honour to be elected Mayor one year ago tonight, and it has been a real privilege for the Mayoress and I to have represented Spelthorne over the last year. We have attended events in Borough, further afield in Surrey, and visited our twin town of Melun, France last October. We have sought to be ambassadors for the borough.


There is no doubt that my Mayoral year has been very much of two halves. The first half was made much more difficult by the remnants of COVID with many reluctant to host or attend events, ongoing restrictions, last minute cancellations, and even my own pre-Christmas church service being postponed at short notice. The highlight of the autumn was undoubtedly our civic trip to Melun in France during which I was made a ‘Chevalier du Brie de Melun’ – basically a ‘big cheese’! I understand previous mayors have enjoyed similar honour, if one can put it that way. I know my predecessor Cllr Barnard is also a ‘big cheese’.


We have cut ribbons and opened buildings, an outside gym, a river jetty, planted trees, attended various church services, receptions and other events and consumed quite a number of glasses of Prosecco.


My postponed Mayor’s church service took place in late February and the reception afterwards was at London Irish Rugby Club in Sunbury, and visitor Mayors were very impressed with the facilities.


We have hosted a fantastic ABBA tribute night in March and two other Surrey mayors have separately told me that it was the best event of their mayoral year.


Also in March, Jaguar Land Rover in Sunbury very kindly hosted a very successful business reception for us where over 60 attended, and well-known hotelier and philanthropist Surinder Arora was the main speaker.


The Spring Blossom Mayor’s Charity Ball was held a month ago at the newly refurbished Holiday Inn Shepperton. Turnout was excellent and appeared to be enjoyed by all. The dance floor was still full at twenty past midnight. Many businesses that I had previously worked with while Leader were generous, and as well as covering the significant cost of the live entertainment and disco, contributed prizes which together with private raffle prize donations enabled us to raise many thousands.


The final fundraising event we hosted was the Mayoress’ Ladies Film and Fizz Afternoon, which I was banned from attending, two weeks ago in the Korda Theatre at Shepperton Studios. They enjoyed viewing the latest version of West Side Story and obviously more Prosecco. Shepperton Studios kindly paid for everything, so all ticket sales as well as the inevitable raffle went direct to our charity fund.


When deciding on our charities, the Mayoress and I wanted to make a real difference to those young people in our  ...  view the full minutes text for item 69/22


Minutes pdf icon PDF 269 KB

To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the Council meetings held on 28 April 2022 and 19 May 2022.

Additional documents:


The minutes of the Council meeting held on 28 April 2022 and of the Extraordinary Council meeting held on 19 May 2022 were agreed as a correct record.


Disclosures of interest

To receive any disclosures of interest from Councillors in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct for Members.


There were no disclosures of interest.


Election of the Deputy Mayor

(a) To elect the Deputy Mayor of the Borough for the Municipal Year 2022-23

(b) The Deputy Mayor to make the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.


It was moved by Councillor Bateson and seconded by Councillor Sexton that Councillor Saliagopoulos be appointed Deputy Mayor for the Municipal Year 2022-2023.


It was moved by Councillor Mitchell and seconded by Councillor Boughtflower that Councillor Buttar be appointed Deputy Mayor for the Municipal Year 2022-2023.


Resolved that Councillor Denise Saliagopoulos be appointed as Deputy Mayor for the Municipal Year 2022-2023.


Councillor Saliagopoulos made the Declaration of Acceptance of Office as Deputy Mayor of the Borough of Spelthorne and announced that her husband would be the Deputy Mayor’s Consort. The Mayor presented Councillor Saliagopoulos with the Deputy Mayor’s badge.


The outgoing Deputy Mayor’s Consort, Councillor John Doran, presented the Deputy Mayor’s Consort Badge to the Deputy Mayor’s Consort.


Announcements from the Mayor

To receive any announcements from the Mayor.


The Mayor thanked everyone for their support and trust in electing her as Mayor. She explained she had worked in the NHS for 36 years and had gained wide experience in all aspects of health and communities.


The Mayor announced that her Chaplain for the Municipal Year would be Father Stuart King of St. Matthew’s, Ashford and St. Mary’s, Stanwell and presented him with his Chaplain’s badge.


The Mayor announced Spelthorne Mental Health Association and the Stanwell Family Centre as her charities. She expressed a desire to help residents of all ages in regard to their mental health. She advised that a number of mayoral events had been planned and details would be released in the near future.


Election of the Leader of the Council

To elect the Leader of the Council for the Municipal Year 2022-23.



It was moved by Councillor Ian Harvey and seconded by Councillor Mitchell that Councillor Boughtflower be appointed Leader of the Council for the Municipal Year 2022-2023.


It was moved by Councillor Saliagopoulos and seconded by Councillor Smith-Ainsley that Councillor Sexton be appointed Leader of the Council for the Municipal Year 2022-2023.


A recorded vote was conducted, as requested by Councillor Ian Harvey, with the results as follows:


For Councillor Boughtflower (19):

Councillors: Attewell, Barnard, C Barratt, R Barratt, Beardsmore, Boughtflower, Brar, Buttar, Chandler, Gething, Harman, H Harvey, I Harvey, Islam, Leighton, Mitchell, Mooney, Rybinski, and Sider


For Councillor Sexton (18):

Councillors: Bateson, Beecher, Button, J Doran, S Doran, R Dunn, S Dunn, Fidler, Gibson, Grant, Nichols, Saliagopoulos, Sexton, Siva, Smith-Ainsley, Spoor, Vinson, and Whitmore


Abstain (1):

Councillor Noble


Resolved that Councillor John Boughtflower be appointed Leader of the Council for the Municipal Year 2022-2023.


Announcements from the Leader

To receive any announcements from the Leader.


The Leader made the following announcements:


“Firstly, I would like to welcome Cllr Stuart Whitmore who this week was elected to represent the Laleham and Shepperton Green ward. Many congratulations on your election – I look forward to working with you.


At an Extraordinary Council Meeting on 19 May, councillors voted to progress the Local Plan and Staines Development Framework to the next consultation phase. Whilst the Plan will deliver many positives for the Borough in terms of affordable housing, new infrastructure and responding to the climate emergency, it has been a very difficult challenge to balance these benefits against the high number of new homes the Government expects us to deliver. Ultimately, the Council feels that not having an up-to-date Local Plan runs the bigger risk of not being able to defend our most precious green spaces against unwanted development. The online consultation will begin on Wednesday 15 June and run until Monday 5 September.


This summer we will be asking residents for their views on several residential developments in Spelthorne, through a series of consultations. This includes proposals for affordable homes at The White House in Ashford, Benwell House phase 2 in Sunbury, Thameside House in Staines, Ashford multi storey car park and 91 – 93 Staines High Street. Plans to also build a new medical centre and 182 affordable homes for residents on the Oast House site next to Staines station have taken a step forward after Council voted to approve to progress to the planning application phase. The scheme forms part of the Staines Development Framework which residents will have an opportunity to comment on during the summer months. Details of how to respond to all the consultations will be communicated to residents soon, please keep looking at our dedicated consultation page on our website.


The Council has begun a six-week consultation with residents as part of a review of the Staines Conservation Area, which runs until Friday 24 June. This is the first review of eight conservation areas which include proposals to extend the boundaries in some places and remove areas where the designation is no longer justified.


At the end of April, the Council was informed by the Home Office that The Stanwell Hotel would be used to accommodate asylum seekers while their claims for sanctuary and protection in the UK are being assessed. This is a private arrangement between the Home Office and the hotel, which has now to the public. In the last few months, this authority has seen the heart-warming way in which our community has stood by the people of both Afghanistan and Ukraine, and it is hoped that asylum seekers will receive an equally warm welcome from residents.


Following a consultation, the Council has taken the step of expanding its Dog Control Public Space Protection Order. Dog owners are now required to carry bags or other suitable means to clear up after their dogs, and to place their dogs on a lead in a public area if required to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 75/22


Election of Deputy Leader of the Council

To elect the Deputy Leader of the Council for the Municipal Year 2022-23.


It was moved by Councillor Ian Harvey and seconded by Councillor Boughtflower that Councillor Tony Mitchell be appointed Deputy Leader of the Council for the Municipal Year 2022-2023.


Resolved that Councillor Tony Mitchell be appointed Deputy Leader of the Council for the Municipal Year 2022-2023.


Establishment of committees - 2022-23

To appoint Committees, of the size noted in the committee terms of reference (as laid out in Part 3 (a) of the Council’s Constitution), in accordance with Standing Order 8.3.


Establishment of committees and sub-committees


Total voting


Corporate Policy and Resources*&


Development Sub-Committee*#


Community Wellbeing and Housing


Economic Development


Environment and Sustainability


Neighbourhood Services and Enforcement














Spelthorne Joint*




* not included in the chair/vice-chair proportionality

& the chair and vice-chair of each service committee is a


# nominations required from Corporate Policy and Resources

(8 nominations), and Environment and Sustainability (3


$ membership comprises of 3 members from each service


Service committees = Community Wellbeing and Housing;

Economic Development; Environment and Sustainability;

Neighbourhood Services and Enforcement



The Mayor explained that Council on 28 April 2022 agreed the committees and sub-committees including the number of available seats on each.


Resolved to note the committees and sub-committees including the number of available seats on each.


Allocation of seats on committees and sub-committees pdf icon PDF 28 KB

Pursuant to Section 15 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989, to agree the representation of the different political groups on Committees.

Additional documents:


At the meeting on 26 May 2022


The Mayor explained that as Group Leaders had not reached an agreement on allocation of seats to committees and sub-committees, the meeting would be adjourned to enable group leaders to continue their discussions.


When the meeting reconvened, Council agreed that the order of the agenda be amended in accordance with Standing Order 17. (c) to consider elements of the agenda where agreement between group leaders had been reached.


[The dates on which resolutions were reached is noted below.]


At the meeting on 8 June 2022


Resolved to note the proportionality calculations, as published in the supplementary agenda.


Resolved to agree the allocation of seats to Committees and Sub-Committees as published in the supplementary agenda.


Appointment of members to committees and sub-committees pdf icon PDF 130 KB

To appoint members to serve on the above-mentioned Committees and Sub-Committee, in accordance with the Council’s Constitution.


Members of the Development Sub-Committee will be appointed at a later date, following the receipt of nominations by the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee and the Environment and Sustainability Committee.


At the meeting on 26 May 2022


The Mayor explained that as a Planning Committee meeting was scheduled for 1 June 2022, Group Leaders were proposing a temporary membership for that meeting.


Resolved that the following members be appointed to the Planning Committee on 1 June 2022:


Councillors: Jon Button, Amar Brar, Olivia Rybinski, Robin Sider BEM, Michele Gibson, Nick Gething (Vice-Chair), Sati Buttar, Richard Smith-Ainsley (Chair), Helen Harvey, Bernie Spoor, Malcolm Beecher and Jenny Vinson.


At the meeting on 8 June 2022


Resolved to appoint members to committees and sub-committees as set out in the supplementary agenda.


Appointment of chairs and vice-chairs to committees and sub-committees pdf icon PDF 274 KB

To appoint the chairs and vice-chairs to committees, in accordance with the Council’s Constitution.


The chair and vice-chair of the Development Sub-Committee will be appointed at a later date, following the receipt of nominations from the Development Sub-Committee.


At the meeting on 26 May 2022


The Mayor explained that Group Leaders had put forward their nominations for Chairmanships for Committees for the 2022/23 municipal year but as there were several nominations, a vote would need to be taken.


Corporate Policy and Resources


Resolved to appoint Councillor John Boughtflower as Chairman of the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee.


Resolved to appoint Councillor Tony Mitchell as Vice-Chairman of Corporate Policy and Resources Committee.


Community Wellbeing and Housing


Two nominations had been received for Chairman of Community Wellbeing and Housing Committee: Councillor Sandra Dunn and Councillor Maureen Attewell.


A vote was taken, and Council resolved to appoint Councillor Maureen Attewell as Chairman of the Community Wellbeing and Housing Committee.


Two nominations had been received for Vice-Chairman of Community Wellbeing and Housing Committee: Councillor Sandra Dunn and Councillor Helen Harvey.


A vote was taken, and Council resolved to appoint Councillor Helen Harvey as Vice-Chairman of Community Wellbeing and Housing Committee.


Economic Development


Resolved to appoint Councillor Colin Barnard as Chairman of the Economic Development Committee.


Resolved to appoint Councillor Tom Fidler as Vice-Chairman of Economic Development Committee


Environment and Sustainability


Two nominations had been received for Chairman of Environment and Sustainability Committee: Councillor Ian Beardsmore and Councillor Malcolm Beecher.


A vote was taken, and Council resolved to appoint Councillor Malcolm Beecher as Chairman of the Environment and Sustainability Committee.


Resolved  to appoint Councillor Ian Beardsmore as Vice-Chairman of Environment and Sustainability Committee.


Neighbourhood Services and Enforcement


Two nominations had been received for Chairman of Neighbourhood Services and Enforcement Committee: Councillor Helen Harvey and Councillor Joanne Sexton.


A vote was taken, and Council resolved to appoint Councillor Joanne Sexton as Chairman of Neighbourhood Services and Enforcement Committee.


Resolved to appoint Councillor John Doran as Vice-Chairman of Neighbourhood Services and Enforcement Committee.




Resolved to appoint Councillor Naz Islam as Chairman of Administrative Committee.


Resolved to appoint Councillor Sandra Dunn as Vice-Chair of the Administrative Committee.




Two nominations had been received for Chairman of Audit Committee: Councillor Richard Barratt and Councillor Lawrence Nichols.


A vote was taken, and Council resolved to appoint Councillor Lawrence Nichols as Chairman of the Audit Committee.


Resolved to appoint Councillor Richard Barratt as Vice-Chairman of the Audit Committee.




Resolved to appoint Councillor Robin Sider BEM as Chairman of the Licensing Committee.


Resolved to appoint Councillor Olivia Rybinski as Vice-Chairman of the Licensing Committee.




Two nominations had been received for Chairman of the Planning Committee: Councillor Nick Gething and Councillor Richard Smith-Ainsley.


A vote was taken, and Council resolved to appoint Councillor Richard Smith-Ainsley as Chairman of Planning Committee.


Resolved to appoint Councillor Nick Gething as Vice-Chairman of Planning Committee.




Resolved to appoint Ian Winter as Independent Chairman of the Standards Committee.


Resolved to appoint Dylan Price as Independent Vice-Chairman of Standards Committee.


At the meeting on 8 June 2022


It was proposed by Councillor Boughtflower and seconded by Councillor Mitchell to withdraw the previous nominations for Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of Committees.


Resolved to withdraw previous  ...  view the full minutes text for item 77/22d


Appointment of named substitutes to committees pdf icon PDF 205 KB

To appoint named substitutes to committees, in accordance with the Council’s Constitution.


At the meeting on 8 June 2022


Resolved to appoint named substitutes to Committees as set out in the supplementary agenda.


Resolved that the Chief Executive Officer be authorised to make amendments to the named substitutions for any political group during the 2022/23 municipal year, on receipt of a request from the group leader.


Members allowances scheme pdf icon PDF 212 KB

To agree interim arrangements for the Members’ Allowances Scheme pending the completion of the Independent Remuneration Panel process.

Additional documents:


At the meeting on 26 May 2022


It was noted that the report omitted the agreed allowance for the Vice-Chair of the Administrative Committee which equated to £1,100 per annum. As this arrangement was previously agreed, this would also be included in the considerations.


It was proposed by Councillor Boughtflower and seconded by Councillor Mitchell that the Council agree interim arrangements for the Members’ Allowances Scheme.


Resolved to agree interim arrangements for the Members’ Allowances Scheme pending the completion of the Independent Remuneration Panel process.


Appointments to outside bodies

To appoint representatives to the following outside bodies:


1.    South West Middlesex Crematorium Board

(1 representative and 1 deputy)


2.    Surrey Police and Crime Panel

(1 representative)


At the meeting on 26 May 2022


South West Middlesex Crematorium Board

It was proposed by Councillor Nichols and seconded by Councillor Sider and resolved that Councillor Robert Noble serve as the Council’s representative on the South West Middlesex Crematorium Board.


It was proposed by Councillor S Dunn and seconded by Councillor Sexton and resolved that Councillor R Dunn serve as the Council’s Deputy representative on the South West Middlesex Crematorium Board.


Surrey Police and Crime Panel

It was proposed by Councillor Boughtflower and seconded by Councillor Mitchell that Councillor Sati Buttar serve as the Council’s representative on the Surrey Police and Crime Panel.


It was proposed by Councillor Fidler and seconded by Councillor Sexton that Councillor Bernie Spoor serve as the Council’s representative on the Surrey Police and Crime Panel.


Resolved that Councillor Sati Buttar serve as the Council’s representative on the Surrey Police and Crime Panel.


It was resolved that outstanding business be concluded at 7pm on 8 June 2022.