Agenda and minutes

Annual Council, Council - Thursday, 27 May 2021 6.00 pm

Venue: Spelthorne Leisure Centre, Knowle Green, Staines-upon-Thames, TW18 1AJ

Contact: Michelle Beaumont  Email:

Link: Members of the public may hear the proceedings by tuning into the Council's YouTube channel

No. Item


Election of the Mayor

(a)  To elect the Mayor of the Borough for the Municipal Year 2021-22

(b)  The Mayor to make the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.



The retiring Mayor, Councillor C. Barnard, welcomed all members and guests to the Annual Meeting of the Council and invited Rev. J. Samadi, to say a word of prayer.


The Mayor thanked the officers of the Council, his Mayoress, the Deputy Mayor, Deputy Mayoress, Spelthorne residents and the Mayor’s secretary, Mrs. Sheila Kimpton, for their hard work and support during his Mayoral year.


Reflecting on his year in office the Mayor announced that a considerable sum had been raised for his nominated charities. The Mayor explained that whilst his Mayoral year had been different to most due to the pandemic, he had been fortunate to experience some of the normal Mayoral events whilst standing in for former Mayor, Councillor Mary Madams, during a period of ill health. The Mayor wished Councillor Mary Madams a full recovery.


The Mayor thanked Councillor R.W. Sider BEM for inviting him to the opening of a new venture at Trio pharmacy, Shepperton. He also thanked Councillor Saliagopoulos for inviting him to open a visiting facility, and tea in the garden at Ashford House nursing home, and Councillor Sue Doran for inviting him to visit the Stanwell allotment project and to the ancient Stanwell fair on the village green.


The Mayor reflected on the many visits he had made to the District Scout and Guide groups and to local schools and listed some of the awards he had had the pleasure to deliver including Spelthorne in Bloom awards, presenting over 100 litter picking certificates to children and Civic awards and commendations.


It was moved by Councillor O. Rybinski and seconded by Councillor A. Brar that Councillor I.T.E. Harvey be appointed Mayor for the Municipal Year 2021-2022.


It was moved by Councillor A.J. Mitchell and seconded by Councillor M. Gibson that Councillor A.C. Harman be appointed Mayor for the Municipal Year 2021-2022.


A recorded vote was conducted, as requested by Councillor R.A. Smith-Ainsley with the results as follows.


FOR Councillor I.T.E Harvey (20)

Councillors: Bateson, Beardsmore, Brar, Doran J, Doran S, Dunn R, Dunn S, Fidler, Grant, Harvey H, Harvey I, Lagden, Nichols, Rybinski, Saliagopoulos, Sexton, Siva, Smith-Ainsley, Spoor and Vinson.


FOR Councillor A.C Harman (18)

Councillors: Attewell, Barnard, Barratt C, Barratt R, Boughtflower, Buttar, Chandler, Gething, Gibson, Harman, Islam, Leighton, Madams, McIlroy, Mitchell, Mooney, Noble and Sider.


Resolved that Councillor Ian Harvey be appointed Mayor for the Municipal Year 2021-22.


A short adjournment took place to hand over the robes and badge of Office to the new Mayor during which a short video highlighting moments from Councillor Barnard’s Mayoral Year was shown.


Councillor Ian Harvey made the Declaration of Acceptance of Office as Mayor of the Borough of Spelthorne and took the Chair. He thanked his proposer and seconder and the Council for supporting him in his election as Mayor. He presented Councillor C.F. Barnard with the past Mayor’s badge.


The outgoing Mayoress, Mrs. Barbara Barnard, presented the Mayoress badge to Councillor Mrs. Helen Harvey who in turn presented Mrs. Barnard with a past Mayoress badge.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 140/21


Minutes pdf icon PDF 528 KB

To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the Council meeting held on 22 April 2021.



The minutes of the Council meeting held on 22 April 2021 were agreed as a correct record.



Disclosures of Interest

To receive any disclosures of interest from Councillors in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct for Members.


There were no disclosures of interest.


Election of the Deputy Mayor

(a) To elect the Deputy Mayor of the Borough for the Municipal Year 2021-22

(b) The Deputy Mayor to make the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.




It was moved by Councillor O. Rybinski and seconded by Councillor J. Doran that Councillor Sue Doran be appointed Deputy Mayor for the municipal year 2021-2022.


It was moved by Councillor V.J Leighton and seconded by Councillor R.J Noble that Councillor Sati Buttar be appointed Deputy Mayor for the municipal year 2021-2022


A recorded vote was conducted, as requested by Councillor R.A. Smith-Ainsley with the results as follows.


FOR Councillor S. Doran (20)

Councillors: Bateson, Beardsmore, Brar, Doran J, Doran S, Dunn R, Dunn S, Fidler, Grant, Harvey H, Harvey I, Lagden, Nichols, Rybinski, Saliagopoulos, Sexton, Siva, Smith-Ainsley, Spoor and Vinson.


FOR Councillor S. Buttar (17)

Councillors: Attewell, Barratt C, Barratt R, Boughtflower, Buttar, Chandler, Gething, Gibson, Harman, Islam, Leighton, Madams, McIlroy, Mitchell, Mooney, Noble and Sider.



Councillor Barnard.


Resolved that Councillor Sue Doran be appointed Deputy Mayor for the Municipal Year 2021-2022.


Councillor Sue Doran made the Declaration of Acceptance of Office as Deputy Mayor of the Borough of Spelthorne.


The Mayoress, Councillor Helen Harvey, presented the Deputy Mayor’s Consort Badge to Councillor John Doran.


The Deputy Mayor, Councillor Sue Doran, briefly addressed the Council and thanked her proposer and seconder for their support. She said it was a great honour to be elected as Deputy Mayor and looked forward to supporting the Mayor in his Mayoral year.



Announcements from the Mayor

To receive any announcements from the Mayor.


The Mayor thanked Councillor R.W. Sider BEM for presenting the Council with the Defence Employer Recognition Silver Award.



Election of the Leader of the Council

To elect the Leader of the Council for the Municipal Year 2021-22.



It was moved by Councillor S.A. Dunn and seconded by Councillor T. Fidler that Councillor L.E. Nichols be appointed Leader of the Council for the Municipal Year 2021-2022.


It was moved by Councillor M.M. Attewell and seconded by Councillor R.W. Sider BEM that Councillor J.R. Boughtflower be appointed Leader of the Council for the Municipal Year 2021-2022.


A recorded vote was conducted, as requested by Councillor R.A. Smith-Ainsley with the results as follows.


FOR Councillor L.E Nichols (20)

Councillors: Bateson, Beardsmore, Brar, Doran J, Doran S, Dunn R, Dunn S, Fidler, Grant, Harvey H, Harvey I, Lagden, Nichols, Rybinski, Saliagopoulos, Sexton, Siva, Smith-Ainsley, Spoor and Vinson.


FOR Councillor J.R Boughtflower (18)

Councillors: Attewell, Barnard, Barratt C, Barratt R, Boughtflower, Buttar, Chandler, Gething, Gibson, Harman, Islam, Leighton, Madams, McIlroy, Mitchell, Mooney, Noble and Sider.


Resolved that Councillor Lawrence Nichols be appointed Leader of the Council for the Municipal Year 2021-2022.



Announcements from the Leader

To receive any announcements from the Leader.


The Leader paid tribute to Councillor J. Boughtflower, stating that Councillor Boughtflower was an honourable man and he had enjoyed working with him.


The Leader made several announcements as follows:


Spelthorne, along with the rest of the country, continues along the Government’s roadmap out of lockdown. From 17 May, indoor hospitality reopened, and our officers have been working with these businesses to ensure they remain COVID secure. We have been supporting the borough’s ‘non-essential’ retail businesses since they were given the green light to reopen on 12 April. As a Council, we continue to monitor developments regarding the variant originally discovered in India, as 21 June draws near.


This Council recognises how difficult and challenging the last 15 months have been for businesses and have looked to support those affected, in particular the retail, leisure, and hospitality sector. To date, more than £50 million in relief and grants have been provided to businesses in the Borough during the ongoing pandemic. The Council have held a public consultation with businesses about what support is most needed. The consultation closed on 16 May and responses are currently under review to help determine how discretionary grant funds can be best spent to boost the local economy. Businesses are also being consulted on how they can benefit from the Welcome Back Fund.


The Council ran a successful set of elections on Thursday 6 May and delivered a COVID-safe environment for voters, volunteers, and staff. On behalf of all Members, I want to thank all those who were involved.  Your hard work is very much appreciated. The full results can be found on our website.


The first consultation on the Staines Town Centre Development Framework began at 9am on Tuesday 18 May and will run for six weeks until Tuesday 29 June. The Council is asking people who live, work, study, shop and spend leisure time in Staines to respond.  This Objectives and Options consultation is the first stage of consultation on the Staines Development Framework and is open to all.


This Council will be eliminating 5.7 tonnes of annual carbon dioxide emissions with the installation of solar panels at the Council's depot in Ashford. The works, which have been supported by an £11,000 grant by the Enterprise M3 Clean Growth Programme, took place in March this year.


Nominations are open for the Spelthorne Youth Awards. These are for special young people aged between 5 and 19 years living or receiving education within Spelthorne who deserve recognition. The deadline for nominations this year is tomorrow, Friday 28 May, with the awards evening taking place in July.


A decision has been taken to implement a Borough-wide Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) for psychoactive substances. A public consultation took place between 18 January and 28 February 2021 and 97.3% of respondents were in favour of adopting a PSPO. The objective of the order is to reduce the possession and use of psychoactive substances for recreational consumption, to increase public health awareness of potentially dangerous substances, to reduce  ...  view the full minutes text for item 146/21


Election of Deputy Leader of the Council

To elect the Deputy Leader of the Council for the Municipal Year 2021-22.



It was moved by Councillor R.W Sider BEM and seconded by Councillor A.J. Mitchell that Councillor J. McIlroy be appointed Deputy Leader of the Council for the Municipal Year 2021-2022.


It was moved by Councillor I.J. Beardsmore and seconded by Councillor R.A Smith-Ainsley that Councillor J.R. Sexton be appointed Deputy Leader of the Council for the Municipal Year 2021-2022.


A recorded vote was conducted, as requested by Councillor A.J. Mitchell with the results as follows.


FOR Councillor J.R. Sexton (20)

Councillors: Bateson, Beardsmore, Brar, Doran J, Doran S, Dunn R, Dunn S, Fidler, Grant, Harvey H, Harvey I, Lagden, Nichols, Rybinski, Saliagopoulos, Sexton, Siva, Smith-Ainsley, Spoor and Vinson.


FOR Councillor J. McIlroy (18)

Councillors: Attewell, Barnard, Barratt C, Barratt R, Boughtflower, Buttar, Chandler, Gething, Gibson, Harman, Islam, Leighton, Madams, McIlroy, Mitchell, Mooney, Noble and Sider.


Resolved that Councillor Joanne Sexton be appointed Deputy Leader of the Council for the Municipal Year 2021-2022.



Minor amendments to the Constitution for implementation of the Committee system

To consider the adoption of the proposed minor changes to the Constitution required to operate implement the Committee System.

Additional documents:


Council considered the report of the Monitoring Officer on minor amendments to Parts 3b (Terms of Reference) and 4a (Standing Orders) of the Constitution to facilitate the implementation of the Committee System.


It was moved by Councillor L.E Nichols and seconded by Councillor J.R Sexton that Council agree the proposed amendments to the Constitution, as appended to the report, for adoption.


A recorded vote was conducted, as requested by Councillor A.J. Mitchell with the results as follows.


FOR (20)

Councillors: Bateson, Beardsmore, Brar, Doran J, Doran S, Dunn R, Dunn S, Fidler, Grant, Harvey H, Harvey I, Lagden, Nichols, Rybinski, Saliagopoulos, Sexton, Siva, Smith-Ainsley, Spoor and Vinson.



Councillors: Attewell, Barnard, Barratt C, Barratt R, Boughtflower, Buttar, Chandler, Gething, Gibson, Harman, Islam, Leighton, Madams, McIlroy, Mitchell, Mooney, Noble and Sider.


Resolved to agree the proposed amendments to the Constitution, as appended to the report, for adoption.


Establishment of Committees 2021-22

(1)  Establishment of Committees and Sub-Committees


In accordance with Articles 6 and 9 of the Council’s Constitution and pursuant to Part 4a – Standing Order 8.3, to appoint the following Committees and Sub-Committees of the size indicated below and with the Terms of Reference and functions set out in Part 3b of the Council’s Constitution.



Total voting members

Corporate Policy and Resources Committee


Environment and Sustainability Committee


Community Wellbeing and Housing Committee


Economic Development Committee


Neighbourhood Services Committee


Administrative Committee


Audit Committee


Licensing Committee


Planning Committee


Standards Committee


Spelthorne Joint Committee


Development Sub-Committee



(2)  Allocation of seats on Committees and Sub-Committees – Appendix A


Pursuant to Section 15 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989, to agree the representation of the different political groups on Committees.


(Appendix A will be circulated in advance of the Annual Council meeting)


(3)  Appointment of members to Committees and Sub Committees – Appendix B


In accordance with the Council’s Constitution, to appoint the members to serve on the above-mentioned Committees, and Sub-Committee, including Mr. Ian Winter as the non-elected Chairman of the Standards Committee and Mr. Dylan Price as the non-elected Vice-Chairman of the Standards Committee.


(Appendix B, the nominations to Committees, will be circulated in advance of the meeting).


(4)  Appointment of Chairs and Vice-Chairs to Committees and Sub-Committees – Appendix C


In accordance with the Council’s Constitution, to appoint the Chairs and Vice Chairs to serve on the above-mentioned Committees and Sub-Committees.


(Appendix C will be circulated in advance of the Annual Council meeting)



(5)  Appointment of Substitutes to Committees – Appendix D


In accordance with the Council’s Constitution, to appoint the Substitute members to serve on the above-mentioned Committees.


(Appendix D will be circulated in advance of the Annual Council meeting)


Details of the Committees and their size and the political allocation of seats

(Appendix A) and the members to serve on the various Committees (Appendix B) were circulated at the meeting on a supplementary agenda.


The Mayor explained that it had not been possible for the Group Leaders to agree the nominations for the Chairs and Vice Chairs to the committees and sub-committees or the substitutes, in respect of parts (4) and (5) of this item in advance of this meeting, and called on the Monitoring Officer to give her advice.


The Monitoring Officer advised that there was no statutory requirement to agree part (4), in respect of appointments of Chairs and Vice-Chairs of Committees and Sub-Committees, and part (5), in respect of appointments of substitutes to Committees, of this item at the Annual Council Meeting.


In view of the inability of the Group Leaders to agree the nominations for parts (4) and (5) in advance of this meeting the Monitoring Officer advised that, under standing order 28.1, Standing Orders 8.3 (e), (f) and (g) (with reference to appointments of substitutes), be suspended. These matters could then be withdrawn and considered at an Extraordinary Council Meeting on 10 June 2021.


It was moved by Councillor J.R. Boughtflower, and seconded by Councillor L.E. Nichols to suspend Standing Orders 8.3 (e), (f) and paragraph (g) with reference to the appointment of substitutes.


A recorded vote was conducted, as requested by Councillor A.J. Mitchell with the results as follows.


FOR (36)

Councillors: Attewell, Barnard, Barratt C, Barratt R, Bateson, Beardsmore, Boughtflower, Brar, Buttar, Chandler Doran J, Doran S, Dunn R, Dunn S, Fidler, Gibson, Grant, Harman, Harvey H, Harvey I, Islam, Lagden, Leighton, Madams, McIlroy, Mooney, Nichols, Noble, Rybinski, Saliagopoulos, Sexton, Sider, Siva, Smith-Ainsley, Spoor and Vinson.



Councillor Mitchell.



Councillor Gething.


Resolved to suspend Standing Orders 8.3 (e), (f) and (g) (with reference to appointments of substitutes). With the suspension of the relevant standing order, parts (4) and (5) were withdrawn.


Councillor A.C. Harman left the meeting at this point in the proceedings.


After a short adjournment Council proceeded to consider parts (1) to (3), to agree the Committees for the next municipal year, their size, the political allocation of seats and councillors to serve on them.  


It was moved by Councillor L.E Nichols, and seconded by Councillor J.R Sexton that Council agree the establishment of the Committees, shown at Agenda Item 11 (1),  the size indicated and with the terms of reference and functions set out in Part 3b of the Council’s new Constitution.


A recorded vote was conducted, as requested by Councillor R.A Smith-Ainsley with the results as follows.


FOR (20)

Councillors: Bateson, Beardsmore, Brar, Doran J, Doran S, Dunn R, Dunn S, Fidler, Grant, Harvey H, Harvey I, Lagden, Nichols, Rybinski, Saliagopoulos, Sexton, Siva, Smith-Ainsley, Spoor and Vinson.



Councillors: Attewell, Barnard, Barratt C, Barratt R, Boughtflower, Buttar, Chandler, Gething, Gibson, Islam, Leighton, Madams, McIlroy, Mitchell, Mooney, Noble and Sider.




Resolved to agree  ...  view the full minutes text for item 149/21


Members Allowances pdf icon PDF 209 KB

Council is asked to consider the recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel on the Members’ Allowances Scheme for 2021-22, as set out in full in the attached report.

Additional documents:


Council considered the recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel on the Members Allowance Scheme for 2021/22.


The Mayor drew members attention to a typographical error in the recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel on page 51 of the agenda. The recommendation stated the payment for travel allowance for cycles would be Nil but should have been 20p per mile as stated at Paragraph 64 of the Panel’s report.


It was moved by Councillor L.E. Nichols and seconded by Councillor J.R. Sexton that Council approves the recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel on the Members’ Allowances Scheme for 2021-22, as set out in full in the attached report, subject to the payment of travel allowances for cycles being 20p per mile.


The motion FELL.


During the debate on this item, it was moved, seconded and


Resolved to suspend Standing Order 5, Duration of Meeting, to allow the meeting to continue until the completion of this item of business.


It was moved by Councillor V.J. Leighton and seconded by Councillor R. Noble that the Members Allowances Scheme for 2021/22 be agreed but that the Independent Remuneration Panel must investigate the possibility of including an allowance for electric cars and report their findings back to Council.


An amendment to the motion was proposed by Councillor A.J. Mitchell and seconded by Councillor R. Barratt to defer the Members Allowances Scheme for 2021/22 in its entirety to be considered at the Extraordinary Council Meeting on 10 June 2021.


A vote was held, and the amendment was CARRIED.


A voted was held on the substantive motion and it was


Resolved to defer the Members Allowances Scheme for 2021/22 in its entirety to enable the Independent Remuneration Panel to investigate the possibility of including an allowance for electric cars, to be considered at the Extraordinary Council Meeting on 10 June 2021.