Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Knowle Green, Staines-upon-Thames TW18 1XB
Contact: Christeen Abee Email:
No. | Item |
To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the Environment and Sustainability Committee meeting held on 3 December 2024.
Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 3 December 2024 were agreed as a correct record.
Disclosures of Interest To receive any disclosures of interest from councillors in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct for members. Minutes: Councillor Brennan declared an interest in agenda item 10, ‘Conservation Areas’ and as such she would leave the room when this was discussed by the Committee. |
Questions from members of the Public The Chair, or their nominee, to answer any questions raised by members of the public in accordance with Standing Order 40.
At the time of publication of this agenda no questions were received. Minutes: There were none. |
Presentation from Talking Tree To receive a presentation from Talking Tree on the work undertaken by their volunteers and their mission. Minutes: The Committee received a presentation from Talking Tree on their work and future plans. Representatives from Talking Tree advised the Committee of the current projects they were delivering such as a surplus food café, bike repair workshop, community clothing swaps and repairs, and guided local walks around green spaces. Talking Tree also collaborated with local schools and community groups on enabling climate friendly projects within the borough and hoped to continue to increase their involvement in partnerships and community initiatives. A number of initiatives undertaken by Talking Tree were helping deliver the Council’s Corporate Plan.
The Committee commended Talking Tree on their work and expressed a desire to continue to see their presence in Staines Town Centre. Talking Tree acknowledged the disappointment from some Committee members that some of their offerings could not be provided on a more regular basis, however they were dependent on volunteers and wished to provide a wide range of services and initiatives rather than focus on one.
The Committee resolved to note the presentation. |
Environment & Sustainability - Draft Detailed budget for 2025/26 To review and recommend the 2025-26 draft detailed Budget for this Committee to Corporate Policy and Resources Committee. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered the draft detailed budget. The Committee were advised that in addition to the previous fees and charges presented, a supplementary fee for the collection of Lime Bikes at a rate of £88 per bike for 24/25 and £92 per bike for 25/26 would be considered. The Committee were also advised that there would also be an extra £907k of income related to the Extended Producer Responsibility for Packing scheme (pEPR) Grant related to recycling that would be provided when the related works were completed.
The Committee expressed concern over the amount of fees related to Planning Policy Consultants. The Committee were advised this was related to an anticipated early review policy for the Local Plan, though there was a possibility this could be partially offset by government funding.
The Committee resolved to recommend to Corporate Policy and Resources Committee to approve the proposed budget with the agreed amendments. |
Environment & Sustainability - Draft Detailed Capital Budget for 2025/26 To review and recommend the 2025-26 draft detailed capital Budget for this Committee to Corporate Policy and Resources Committee. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered the draft detailed capital budget for 2025/2026.
The Committee noted the amount related to the River Thames scheme and queried if this figure could change. The Group Head – Commissioning and Transformation confirmed this was still the relevant amount.
The Committee resolved to recommend to Corporate Policy and Resources Committee to approve the proposed budget. |
Audited Financial Statements for Spelthorne Direct Services Ltd (SDS) for the year end 31 March 2024 To note the audited financial statements for Spelthorne Direct Services Ltd for the year end 31 March 2024. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee received the audited financial statements for Spelthorne Direct Services Ltd for the year end 31 March 2024.
A member of the Committee noted the report advised there was no corporation tax to pay but the balance sheet referenced paying tax. The Committee were advised that this would be investigated and an answer would be provided after the meeting.
The Committee resolved to note the report, and particularly the unqualified audit report. |
Heathrow Easterlies Alteration Consultation To make comments on the planning application consultation to report to Planning Committee on 5 February 2025. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered the Council’s draft response to the London Borough of Hillingdon regarding Heathrow Airport’s application for easterly alternation operations. The Council recommended objecting to the application for reasons related to noise and air pollution as the changes in aircraft take off and landing patterns would have a significant impact on the residents of Stanwell Moor.
A member of the Committee felt that the alternation would create a more equal distribution of noise across all communities that lived near the airport. Other members of the Committee acknowledged the negative impact the residents of Stanwell Moor experienced due to their proximity to the airport and felt the increased activity over the area would have an unacceptable impact on residents.
The Committee resolved by majority to make comments to the Planning Committee advising that the Environment and Sustainability Committee agrees with the officer’s attached draft report to raise objection on unacceptable noise impact on Spelthorne properties in Stanwell Moor. |
Conservation Area Appraisals To consider conservation area appraisals for Laleham, Lower Halliford, Lower Sunbury, Manygate Lane, Shepperton, Stanwell Village, and Upper Halliford following a public consultation. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered the Conservation Area Appraisals with comments from relevant stakeholders and the public after a consultation period. The Planning Development Management Team Leader summarised all relevant comments for the Committee and the suggested amendments to the Lower Sunbury Conservation Area Appraisal and the Upper Halliford Conservation Area Appraisal as a result of the comments.
Councillor Brennan left the room during discussion and voting on the Lower Halliford Conservation Area and re-joined the meeting for the remainder of the discussion.
The Committee queried if anything would be done to proactively engage with stakeholders to replace street furniture that was out of keeping with the Conservation Areas. The Committee were advised that stakeholders and individuals were encouraged by the Local Planning Authority to use traditional materials on sites within Conservation Areas.
It was proposed by Councillor Beecher and seconded by Councillor Brennan and resolved that the Leader of the Council write to Surrey County Council to encourage that any street furniture on the highways in Spelthorne be replaced if possible to be consistent with the Conservation Areas.
The Committee resolved to 1. Note the comments received on each Conservation Area Appraisal; and 2. Agree the Laleham Conservation Area Appraisal and boundary revisions; 3. Agree the Lower Halliford Conservation Area Appraisal and boundary revisions; 4. Agree the Lower Sunbury Conservation Area Appraisal with additional text at S5.0 Summary of Issues and boundary revisions with alterations at Swan Island; 5. Agree the Manygate Lane Conservation Area Appraisal; 6. Agree the Shepperton Conservation Area Appraisal and boundary revisions; 7. Agree the Stanwell Village Conservation Area Appraisal and boundary revisions; 8. Agree the Upper Halliford Conservation Area Appraisal with text amendments at S4.0 Summary of Issues, and boundary revisions with retention of 34 Upper Halliford Road.
Update to Sandbag Policy To consider the Council’s updated Sandbag Policy. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered the Council’s updated Sandbag Policy. The Sandbag Policy had been updated to align with policies in neighbouring boroughs.
A member of the Committee requested that the Context and Background in the current policy continue to be used. The Group Head – Commissioning and Transformation assured the Committee the information would continue to be communicated, however the formatting of the policy aligned with that of neighbouring boroughs.
The Committee resolved to approve the update to the Sandbag Policy. |
Corporate Plan Actions Update - Environment and Sustainability Committee To receive updates on Corporate Plan Actions that are within the Environment and Sustainability Committee’s remit. Minutes: The Committee received updates on Corporate Plan actions that are within the Environment and Sustainability Committee’s remit.
The Committee resolved to note the updates. |
Updates from Task and Finish and/or Working Groups To receive an update on the following task and finish and/or working groups:
Community Infrastructure Levy Task Groups
Climate Change Working Group
Spelthorne Design Code Task Group Minutes: The Committee received an update on the work of the Climate Change Working Group and the Design Code Task Group. The Committee were advised there was no update to give on the work of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Task Groups since the last meeting.
The Chair provided the Committee with a summary of topics and reports discussed at the last meeting of the Climate Change Working Group that the Committee could expect to see in future.
The Chair of the Design Code Task Group provided a summary of the work of the Design Code Task Group and the engagement with the Citizens Panel since the Committee last met.
The Committee resolved to note the updates. |
A copy of the Environment & Sustainability Committee Forward Plan is attached.
Minutes: The Committee resolved to note the forward plan for future Committee business. |