9 Conservation Area Appraisals PDF 380 KB
To consider conservation area appraisals for Laleham, Lower Halliford, Lower Sunbury, Manygate Lane, Shepperton, Stanwell Village, and Upper Halliford following a public consultation.
Additional documents:
The Committee considered the Conservation Area Appraisals with comments from relevant stakeholders and the public after a consultation period. The Planning Development Management Team Leader summarised all relevant comments for the Committee and the suggested amendments to the Lower Sunbury Conservation Area Appraisal and the Upper Halliford Conservation Area Appraisal as a result of the comments.
Councillor Brennan left the room during discussion and voting on the Lower Halliford Conservation Area and re-joined the meeting for the remainder of the discussion.
The Committee queried if anything would be done to proactively engage with stakeholders to replace street furniture that was out of keeping with the Conservation Areas. The Committee were advised that stakeholders and individuals were encouraged by the Local Planning Authority to use traditional materials on sites within Conservation Areas.
It was proposed by Councillor Beecher and seconded by Councillor Brennan and resolved that the Leader of the Council write to Surrey County Council to encourage that any street furniture on the highways in Spelthorne be replaced if possible to be consistent with the Conservation Areas.
The Committee resolved to
1. Note the comments received on each Conservation Area Appraisal; and
2. Agree the Laleham Conservation Area Appraisal and boundary revisions;
3. Agree the Lower Halliford Conservation Area Appraisal and boundary revisions;
4. Agree the Lower Sunbury Conservation Area Appraisal with additional text at S5.0 Summary of Issues and boundary revisions with alterations at Swan Island;
5. Agree the Manygate Lane Conservation Area Appraisal;
6. Agree the Shepperton Conservation Area Appraisal and boundary revisions;
7. Agree the Stanwell Village Conservation Area Appraisal and boundary revisions;
8. Agree the Upper Halliford Conservation Area Appraisal with text amendments at S4.0 Summary of Issues, and boundary revisions with retention of 34 Upper Halliford Road.