Agenda item

Conservation Areas

To consider agreement of the draft Conservation Area Appraisals, a six-week public consultation process, and referral of the appraisals back to the Committee to agree following the consultation process.


The Committee resolved to

1.    agree the draft Conservation Area Appraisals for Laleham, Lower Halliford, Lower Sunbury, Manygate Lane, Shepperton, Stanwell, and Upper Halliford

2.    Undertake a six-week public consultation process, and

3.    Refer the appraisals back to Environment and Sustainability Committee to agree, following the consultation process.


Councillor Brennan left for the consideration of this item as she had declared an interest.


The Committee considered a report from the Planning Development Management Team Leader on the draft Conservation Area Appraisals for areas in Laleham, Lower Halliford, Lower Sunbury, Manygate Lane, Shepperton, Stanwell, and Upper Halliford. PurcellUK, on behalf of the Local Planning Authority, had undertaken reviews and recommended revisions to the conservation areas. The Council would undertake a six-week public consultation on the recommended revisions, and the decision on the final appraisals would be presented to the Committee in future. Change to the boundaries in each area were identified to the Committee.


The Committee queried the criteria for extending the conservation area, and were informed this did not often happen due to the quality of new development. The Committee were advised that homes in the conservation area could not be forced to make improvements in keeping with the conservation area, only encouraged. The Committee expressed a desire for further areas of the borough to be appraised for conservation areas and were advised this would be subject to a growth bid as part of the budget process for the following year.


The Committee provided comments on individual conservation areas and were advised these would be useful to submit as part of the consultation as they reflected local knowledge that Purcell UK would not necessarily have access to. Consultation responses would be reported to the Committee in Autumn.


The Committee resolved to

1.    Agree the draft Conservation Area Appraisals for Laleham, Lower Halliford, Lower Sunbury, Manygate Lane, Shepperton, Stanwell, and Upper Halliford

2.    Undertake a six-week public consultation process, and

3.    Refer the appraisals back to Environment and Sustainability Committee to agree, following the consultation process.


Meeting adjourned at: 20:14

Meeting reconvened at: 20:20


Councillor Brennan rejoined the meeting.

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